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牧羊座需要反抗。Aries need to rebel.

马上找个白羊座情人吧!Look for an Aries lover immediately!

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当事情变得令人厌烦时,牧羊座继续前行。When things get boring, Aries move on.

双鱼同白羊的生意伙伴关系Pisces and Aries business compatibility

因为我是牡羊座的关系吧!I supposed that my constellation is Aries.

牡羊座带着火星的战神性格。Aries are charged with the warrior traits of Mars.

喜欢刺激让牡羊座喜欢探索新领域。Liking excitement push Aries into new territories.

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白羊座,是你的生日。Go Aries its your birthday, Houston Astros Jerseys.

火相星座的特质使白羊座具有非常自信的自我力量。The Fire element of Aries brings assertive "I" energy.

白羊座身先士卒,第一个闯进屋门。Aries pushes the others aside to get to the door first.

大家都还没有就座,白羊座就已经开始吃上了。Aries starts eating before everyone else has been seated.

你的占有欲会束缚白羊热爱自由的天性。Your possessiveness will cramp the Aries free-loving nature.

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双鱼位于北方天空中白羊座和宝瓶座之间。Pisces lies between Aries and Aquarius in the northern skies.

亲爱的白羊们,这个月的行星有点像小捣蛋鬼。The planets are being little gremlins this month, dear Aries.

双鱼通常不会在意白羊是否想成为老板。Pisces will generally not mind if the Aries wants to be the boss.

木星也会在年中时期撞入白羊,使精神能量臻至三倍。Jupiter also darts into Aries mid-year, tripling the mental energy.

白羊座在性方面能力十足,而且喜欢主导。Aries lover is burning with sexual energy and likes to be in charge.

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一方面,火星位于白羊座,这是两年一次的有利条件。On one hand you have Mars in Aries now, a once in two-year advantage!

白羊宫和他的战士们太可恶了!那些白痴们弄坏一些砝码。Aries and his warriors be damned! Those idiots broke some of the weights.

牛儿可不像白羊和双子座人那样,你最不能忍受的就是急急忙忙了。Unlike your Aries and Gemini neighbors, you, Taurus, can't stand rushing.