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服装业是金坛市最大的工业产业。Apparel is the biggest industry in JinTan.

服装过时的多,穿破的少。Fashion wears out more apparel than the man.

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服装过时的多,穿破的少。DFashion wears out more apparel than the man.

对国家号型标准进行了调整。Adjusting the country standard of apparel size.

一双美国筒袜,如图。A pair of American Apparel tube socks. See here.

我未曾贪图一个人的金,银,衣服。I have coveted no man's silver, or gold, or apparel.

从时尚服饰到家居用品店“。from fashion apparel to home goods shop "Aged, said.

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是目前天津最大的外贸服装市场了!Tianjin is the largest foreign trade apparel market has!

礼仪之于社会犹如衣着之于个人。Etiquette to society is what apparel is to the individual.

如果你的形象需要得到提升,可以在治装上投资。Invest in some new apparel if your image needs an upgrade.

她赌结婚礼服是由一匣溉常坐名的时装设计师制作的。Her wedding apparel is made by very famous fashion designer.

现在我们的正在进行冬衣的季节性促销。We are now having a preseason sale on all our winter apparel.

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她的结婚号衣是由一位很是闻名的服装设计师建造的。Her wedding apparel is made by a very famous fashion designer.

所以他们总是喝酒,穿美国式服装。So they just drink all the time and dress in American Apparel.

最后,没有国际级服装检测机构。Finally, there is no testing organizations world-class apparel.

你有没有曾经使用超过你一半以上的收入来购买名贵品牌服饰?。Have you bought any apparel over a half of your monthly income?

杨帆,深圳市吉祥斋服饰有限公司总经理,品牌的创始人。Ms. Fan is the founder and GM of Jixiangzhai Apparel Co. , Ltd.

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不要为衣装担心思,亲爱的表妹。Do not make yourself uneasy, my dear cousin, about your apparel.

仔装正重新杀回服装店和时尚杂志。Denim apparel is making a comeback in shops and fashion magazines.

一个令人兴奋的新技术是由皮革服装与莱卡的。One exciting new technology is apparel made from Leather with LYCRA.