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哎,中国,今年实在是多事之秋。The ah, China, really is a troublous times this year.

纷乱的心情,是为了应付外界的干扰而产生的。The troublous feeling is due to the disturbance of outer world.

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纷乱的社会为宗教的传播提供了良好时机。The troublous society made a good opportunity for religion spread.

在动荡的岁月里,人们在那些地方所痛饮的,不仅仅是酒,更多的是语言。In troublous times people grow intoxicated there more on words than on wine.

动荡不安的时代以及犹太人返回到被应许的地消除了人们所有的疑虑。The bringing together of troublous times and the return of the Jews to the Land removes any doubt.

传统中国的宗族发展到了晚清时期,受到时代冲击,再次发生转型。Traditional Chinese Lineages in the late Qing Dynasty changed again when impacted by the troublous times.

在那些动乱不安的年代里,写下他对战争的严厉批判,将战争称为“最残酷的疯狂行为”,也是值得的。It may be worthwhile also in these troublous times to write down his severe criticism on war, which he called "that most cruel madness".

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他们见我神秘兮兮把鱼钩叫走,便静静尾随过来,也想跟着恺撒分开这只惹长短的船。Seeing that I asked Fishhook away mysteriously, they followed us secretly and now they wanted to leave this troublous corsair with Caesar.

他的遗民心态主要来源于他所继承的学术思想、所经历的社会动荡以及所承受的人生变故等等。It mainly rooted in the academic thought he had received, the troublous times he had lived in, the disaster of the life he had experienced, and so on.

本文认为詹姆斯的身份缺失和危机意识可以被看作是詹姆斯的现代情感的体现,它主要源于作者所处于的变动不居的时代和自我流放的艺术家生活。Besides, this thesis considers that James's sense of non-identity and crisis can be regarded as his modern feelings and they roots in his troublous times and his self-exiled life as an artist.

资本主义列强的侵略和渗透,民族矛盾、阶级矛盾和社会各类矛盾的交织和激化,酿成蒙古地区的动荡不安。With the capitalist country's aggression , the contradiction of national and the class and also all kinds of contradictories in society, the political in Mongolia become troublous more and more.