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您认为幼儿教育是否应该免费?Do you think if the preschool education is free?

我们儿子的学前老师告诉了我们这一糟糕的消息。Our son’s preschool teacher gave us the grim news.

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在幼儿园再待上一年可能是最好的办法。Another year in preschool may be all that's needed.

或者受某种学龄前同伴的压力影响的结果?Or the result of some sort of preschool peer-pressure?

布鲁克莱文主管着宾夕法尼亚州布鲁莫尔的一所幼稚园。Brook Levin heads a preschool in Broomall, Pennsylvania.

加快发展学前教育。We will speed up the development of preschool education.

几位幼儿园主管提出了一些注意事项。Some preschool directors offered several do's and don'ts.

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第一部分主要介绍幼稚教育改革的背景。The reform of this preschool education is not groundless.

妮可儿和米雪从幼儿园开始就是好朋友了。Nicole and Michelle had been best friends since preschool.

幼儿自我控制能力存在明显的性别差异。Preschool children self-control has obvious sex difference.

但是,在学前这段时间,有点小问题。The preschool period, therefore, is a little problematical.

在过去的三年里,我和妻子经营了一个学前班学校。For the last three years, I’ve run a preschool with my wife.

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陈鹤琴先生是中国现代学前教育的奠基者。Mr. Chen Heqin is the founder of Chinese preschool education.

针对3-6岁幼儿则与托儿所合作建立「托儿所筛检模式」。A preschool screening model was designed for children aged 3-6.

我们知道,他所说的甲骨学前期即1899至1927年。We know what he said that the bones preschool from 1899 to 1927.

目击来自一个幼稚园的四岁的下列的对话。Witness the following dialogue from four-year-olds in a preschool.

幼儿教育和九年义务制教育一样重要。Preschool education is as important as nine-year compulsory education.

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我儿子的幼稚园里有个三岁的小女孩刚刚失去了她的爸爸。A three-year-old little girl at my son's preschool just lost her daddy.

本中心所开办的课程将优先开放给在职学前老师。Priority is given to in-service preschool teachers for all SCCL courses.

声乐教学在学前艺术教学中占有重要地位。Vocality teaching plays a very important role in preschool art teaching.