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它的互惠只是一个附加的约定。Its reciprocity is merely an added stipulation.

就严格按照规定的分星去吃。Strictly eats according to a stipulation minute star.

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水渍险是否包括甲板上装货的规定?Does a W. P. A. policy include a deck loading stipulation?

克利福德唯一的要求就是客户必须听从他的建议。Clifford's only stipulation is that his clients obey his advice.

第三,指为政治社会服务的规定和文饰。Third culture is stipulation and polish that political community served.

报律对报刊惩戒措施的规定。Newpaper regulations to publication disciplinary punishment measure stipulation.

所以我们特别作了规定,实行减租。Therefore, we have made a specific stipulation that rent reduction be conducted.

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我公司可按客户规定时间、地点准时准地取送文件。I company can point consumer stipulation time, Locus punctual fit field take give file.

唯一的一个条件就是在我旅行回来之后会被调离到不同的工作岗位上工作。The only stipulation was that I would be put into a different position when I got back.

方济各教士默许了,但要求她签订一份秘密协定,这就是现在她宁愿撕碎的那份协议。The Franciscans acquiesced, with the stipulation that she sign a confidentiality agreement.

我国民法通则对拾得制度的规定过于简略。The stipulation of lost property in the Civil Law of our country is too simple and general.

现行法律的规定略嫌零散,而且存在着盲区。The stipulation of ongoing law is a little fragmentary and omits some necessary provisions.

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第一章谈与宋代官员黜降有关的规定。First chapter discussed dismisses with the Song Dynasty official falls the related stipulation.

笔者发现刑法中的相关规定存在不必要、不合理、不明确等多个缺陷。And unclarity, dispensability, and irrationality are found as major flaws in current stipulation.

二是社区矫正工作中对公益劳动的相关规定不合法。Secondly, the related stipulation about the public welfare work in community correction is illegal.

从合同法中可以看出我国立法者也倾向于这种观点。We can find that the law-maker also has this opinion from the stipulation of the Chinese Contract Law.

三是取消实体处理有问题可以发回重审这一规定。Thirdly, the stipulation of remanding for the problems of substantive disposition should be cancelled too.

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只有当你方按时履行了合同条款时,我们才会如期承兑你方期票。We 'll honor your draft when It become due only If all contract stipulation have be duly Implement by you.

“此间有些许微妙差异,”拉奥说,他指的是“我们把事情搞砸了,但我们不承认做了坏事”的规定。“It’s a bit nuanced,” said Rao, referring to the “we messed up but we don’t admit wrongdoing” stipulation.

国际人权法上对罪刑法定作出规定,使罪刑法定的地位更显重要。The stipulation of the principle of legality in the international human rights law makes it more important.