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学会爱上努力。Learn to Iove effort.

停止无谓的努力。Stop unfruitful effort.

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真是空费力量。It was a waste of effort.

他的小说是一部精心的杰作。His novel is a fine effort.

这就是一个白费力气的努力。Talk about a wasted effort.

那只是白费力气。That was a waste of effort.

爱潘妮试作最后的努力。Eponine made a final effort.

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成功取决于我们的努力。Success turns on our effort.

所有那一切都是白费力气。All of that is wasted effort.

那么这一切努力又是为了什么?So why go to all this effort?

那种努力将是无益的。That effort will be bootless.

只是要花费一点时间和工夫。It just takes time and effort.

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请加入我并为此努力。Please join me in this effort.

这几乎不费力气。Takes almost no effort at all.

胜利取决于我们的努力。The success turns on our effort.

这耗费了许多时间和精力。This costs much time and effort.

这相当于用“努力”挤走了“能耐”。It supplants ability with effort.

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我花了很大得劲才找到出路。It take effort to find a way out.

她嘲笑说我的努力很幼稚。She derided my effort as childish.

她不费力就把包提了起来。She lifted the bag without effort.