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迄今为止,中国一直在挑衅。So far, China has been defiant.

一个是对教条不顾一切地重新肯定。One is the defiant reaffirmation of dogma.

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美国众议员安东尼韦纳因性丑闻宣布辞职。Defiant no longer, Weiner resigns in sex scandal.

对这个坏消息,罗斯福毫不理会。Roosevelt was defiant in the face of the bad news.

她的头发上染了几条鲜艳的红色。Her hair was coloured with a defiant streak of red.

朱伟对自己的水墨画带有叛逆性的自豪。Zhu Wei is proudly defiant about his approach to ink painting.

显然应该是时候把社会包容置于目空一切的糜烂浮华之前了。Time, surely, to put social inclusion before defiant decadence.

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他们公然违反纪律,需要我们付出极大的关注。They are defiant and require a tremendous amount of our attention.

萨利赫已下令Sadeq的头目被逮捕,但仍然目中无人。Saleh has ordered Sadeq's arrest but the tribal chief remains defiant.

不可一世的瑞典军队最后一次显示出了他们的壮丽风采。The defiant Swedes showed to the last what a magnificent army they were.

奥巴马毫不畏缩地在他本周的新罕布什尔演讲中如是宣称。So declared a defiant Barack Obama this week during a speech in New Hampshire.

面对危机,人的第一感觉是无能为力,之后就陷入破罐破摔的消沉悲观。The first mood is to feel powerless, and to turn this into a defiant pessimism.

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十几岁的孩子会更叛逆,而且会就自己认为不够公平的事与你论。Teens will be more defiant and will take issue with things they don't consider fair.

也许是作为挑战式的答复,也许仅仅是心血来潮,冈扎勒士走进一所最近的大学。In defiant response or perhaps just as a lark, Gonzalez walked into the closest college.

乔茜的小脸因占了上风而涨得通红。她从板墙上下来,挑衅地看了安妮一眼。Josie descended from her perch, flushed with victory, and darted a defiant glance at Anne.

事实的真相是,面对两岁孩子的抵抗是抚养孩子中最困难的一部分。The truth is, dealing with a defiant 2-year-old is a notoriously difficult part of childrearing.

他以关于改革的必要性的强硬言词摆出了惯用的挑衅姿态。His hard-hitting speech on the need for reform was a fairly typical example of his defiant attitude.

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在苏联,由十五个共和国组成的联盟国变得日益狂躁和攻击性十足。Within the U.S.S.R., the 15 republics that made up the Union grew increasingly fractious and defiant.

当雨水浇透了他的头发和短上衣时,他仍然笔直地坐着不动,他对大雨的蔑视令人印象深刻,但却有点儿荒唐。As the rain soaks his hair and jacket, he sits still and erect, impressively defiant but a bit absurd.

克利格把可怕的事实告诉了阿纳金,但这位年轻气盛的绝地不相信施密已死。Cliegg told Anakin the terrible news, but the defiant young Jedi refused to accept that Shmi was dead.