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这是一个讲台So here's a podium.

我站在讲台跟前I stand near this podium.

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被讲台挡住了吗Can people not see past the podium?

利昂尼达斯离开颁奖台,拥抱教练。Leonidas leaves podium and hugs coach.

讲台只是一个物体The podium is just one thing, the podium.

这些塔楼耸立在一个混凝土墩座上。The towers rise out of a concrete podium.

今天登上领奖台的关键是起步。The key to getting on the podium was the start.

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但是,他都没做。这就有点浪费演讲台的作用了。He did neither, and that was a waste of a podium.

“借一个领奖台,看我喜不喜欢”,“想想看我如何打败你来登上领奖台”。Mind if I squeeze by you to get onto that podium?

交响乐队的指挥走上了指挥台。The orchestra conductor stepped up to the podium.

如果我们三个都能登上领奖台那将是很有意思的事。It would be nice if all three of us make the podium.

但站在领奖台上,他们没有微笑。But they don't actually stand on the podium grinning.

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青丝之间添华发,三尺讲台荡笑声。Between Tim green hair, goes podium finishes laughter.

汤姆的棺木后面放着一个装饰性的木质讲台。A decorative wood podium was placed behind Tom’s coffin.

进行火警演习。是次火警演习之集合地点为本苑平台。The gathering place of the fire drill is to be the podium.

一个特别的蛾眉形状的墩座将围绕在它的底部。A distinctive crescent-shaped podium will encircle its base.

卡洛斯·纽斯曼向站在奖台上的洛普斯和佛朗科颁发奖章。Carlos Nusman presents medals to Lopes and Franco on podium.

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最终,我成功了,我站在了那象征光荣的领奖台上。Finally, I succeeded, standing in the symbolic glorious podium.

但是议会议长阿里.拉里贾尼在台上就座。Parliament speaker Ali Larijani was, however, seated on the podium.

在登上领奖台的那一刻,丘索取得了现场观众最热烈的掌声。On the podium at the moment, CuSO won the audience 's warm applause.