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主要是他们是交叉由前方和后方,护舷。Primarily they are intersected by the front and rear fenders.

因为日本是农耕民族,与稻米有着不可分割的联系。Because Japan is farming nation, and rice has not intersected connection.

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钻粉和岩心已穿过了砾岩夹层。Cuttings and core from the drill-holes have intersected conglomerate bands.

这两个替代结合起来形成交互式替代。These two alternatives are combined to produce the intersected alternative.

在交叉裂隙模型中进行了交叉流的模拟实验。A simulation of crossing-flow in an intersected fracture model is carried out.

随即涌出一群娃娃,在那片象殓巾一样被一个十字架划分的园地上散开来。An irruption of youth inundated that garden intersected with a cross like a shroud.

莲花水电站四通岔管为一大跨度小交角的地下交叉洞室。The underground intersected chambers have a large span and a small intersection angle.

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皮肤是机体整体的一部分,与整体有不可分割的关系。The skin is the one part of airframe whole, have with whole cannot intersected concerns.

同时又有几条环形的街道和主路相交,就构成了一个非常鲜明的八卦图形。Intersected by a number of ring roads, these streets thus form a clear eight-diagram pattern.

站前折返一般应用在两条线路呈T型交叉的车站。Station-front turning-back normally applied on stations with two lines intersected in T-shape.

墓地对面那一大片黑压压的荒地就是沼地,沼地上堤坝纵横,横一个。The dark flat wilderness beyond the churchyard was intersected with dykes and mounds and gates.

对于模型空间中的任何形状的实体都可以由八叉树法分割的立方体序列来表示。The entities of any shape for model space can all be denoted by intersected cube sequence by octrees.

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无论是主体的还是客体的都是市场建设发展中的一个不可分割的统一体。No matter be of main body, still be object is market construction developing cannot intersected unity.

因此,提出了一种新的图像中实施人脸区域分割的算法。Accordingly, algorithm of intersected of person face area is carried out in advancing a kind of new image.

提出了基于形体组合关系的相交基元体信息获取技术。The information acquisition technique of intersected primitive based on combined relationship is provided.

因岛礁山体略显单薄,受数条断层及其他构造裂隙的影响,整体完整性较差。The thin mountain intersected by faults and other structural fissures result in low intactness of rock mass.

管道与电力线交叉时,由于感应二次电压而使管道防腐层老化。When intersected with electric line, the coating of the pipeline will be aging due to secondary voltage inducted.

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长方形的用红砖墙严密地封锁着的工房区域,被一条水门汀的小巷划成狭长的两块。The compound is oblong, enclosed by a high red brick wall and intersected into two long narrow strips by a cement road.

方法级特性和类级特性形成交集,作为针对这两种级别的一个单独的权限集。Method-level attributes and class-level attributes are intersected together into a single permission set for both levels.

国内安全、国际安全和全球安全的界限由此出现交叉和模糊的趋势。The boundaries among national security, international security and global security are therefore intersected and blurred.