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我刚醒。I am awake now.

今霄酒醒何处?From wine awake?

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我早醒了。I'm already awake.

她们还没醒呢。They aren't awake yet.

我通常6点钟醒来。I usually awake at six.

但是,他们并没有清醒过来。But, they are not awake.

他们舒适地在床上蜷着。He lay awake in his bed.

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躺在一张床上钉醒来。On a bed of nails awake.

苏楚侨终于清醒过了。Su Chu qiao finally awake.

鸟叫声唤醒了我。The songs of birds awake me.

他的鼾声大得使我睡不着。His loud snore kept me awake.

唤醒我面临这么个世界?Awake me to a world like this?

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美丽的梦神你快快醒来!Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me!

直到最后的伤害,我才肯醒悟吗?Until last hurt, I will not awake?

“噢,孩子,还醒着?”我点了点头。“Oh, baby. Still awake?” I nodded.

露西从噩梦中猛然惊醒。Lucy jerked awake from a nightmare.

噩梦扰得我整夜未眠。Nightmares kept me awake all night.

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肾上腺素会让你保持清醒状态哦。The adrenaline will keep you awake.

他几乎彻夜未眠。He lay awake almost the whole night.

车辆的嘈杂声使我怎么也睡不着。The noise of traffic lept him awake.