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这将令人遗憾。This would be regrettable.

这样奢侈浪费是令人遗憾的。It's regrettable to be so extravagant.

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他犯了一个令人遗憾的错误。He has committed a regrettable mistake.

也是可惜,也是遗憾!Ising also regrettable is also a regret!

这真是一件发令人遗憾的事情。This is indeed quite a regrettable thing.

但这样的近视也令人深感遗憾。But such myopia is also deeply regrettable.

遗憾的事,这只登山队员一个也没能再回来。Regrettable only climbers have not come back again.

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沃威百思不解,替姜窦深深地可惜。WoWei BaiSiBuXie for ginger, deeply regrettable sinus.

很可惜鲍勃没有遵照您的指示。It's regrettable that bob do not follow your instructions.

我开始在遗憾的世界寻找着完美的角落。I start in the regrettable world to seek the perfect quoin.

可叹的是,这些人之中有的还是初级知识分子!Regrettable is that these people in some or senior intellectuals!

十分抱歉,由于我的疏忽,我没有给你发邀请信。Through a regrettable oversight I failed to send you an invitation.

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‘争取民主变革运动’的退选令人遗憾,但是却为人理解。So the MDC's withdrawal was regrettable but it's very understandable.

如果转身去挑选优胜者的话,那将会更加令人遗憾。It would be even more regrettable if they were to return to picking winners.

他把这件发生在身上的事作为一桩不幸的落入政治上的异国情调的失足来谈论。He spoke of this as a regrettable lapse into political exoticism on his part.

但遗憾的是二甲胺四环素人仍不能完全去除病毒。It is regrettable that minocycline are still not completely remove the virus.

这样做,只会令泛民阵营的道德光环黯然失色!That is regrettable. That would dim the moral halo of the pro-democracy camp.

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最遗憾啲并吥是失呿,而是拥有时,没有好好珍惜。The most regrettable and Qu doesn't is to lose, but have, didn't cherish well.

以法莲与玛拿西在分地时发生什麽遗憾的事?What regrettable events happened when Ephraim and Manasseh received their lands?

同时土耳其内部鼎新也“使人缺憾地”放缓了。Bt the same time, there has been a "regrettable" slowing of reforms inside Turkey.