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市场会放缓,LCD厂商可能再度降低产能利用率.There will be a slowdown, and LCD companies may lower plant utilisation again.

这是一个利用自然资源扩张经济的庞大计划的一部分。It is part of a major plan to expand the economy through the utilisation of natural resources.

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短期症状控制的缺乏可能与紧急护理的过度使用有关。A lack of short-term symptom control of asthma is associated with excess healthcare utilisation.

为更好地利用软件,监测和评估新技术的使用状况…Monitor and evaluate new technology within Microsoft area for b. etter utilisation of platfo. rm.

无违约事件存续,或无由任何提款行为造成的任何合理的预期违约事件。No Event of Default is continuing or might reasonably be expected to result from the making of any Utilisation.

但另一些人认为,产能利用率迅速升高,加上新投资计画的登场,可能令产业再次陷入供应过剩的恶性循环.But others said fast-rising utilisation rates and new investment plans might point to another vicious oversupply cycle.

这种数据库可以通过低成本饲料配方提高饲料的利用效率。This type of database will result in an improvement in feed utilisation efficiency through cost-effective diet formulation.

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巴解官方的立场同国际水法以及“公平合理利用”原则是一致的。The official PLO position is inline with International Water Law and the principle of "Equitable and Reasonable Utilisation".

所以,这个确认了很多的吸收的热量中子,在控制棒和水里,那差不多是热能使用。So this identifies a number of thermal neutrons absorbed in control rods and water and that's sort of the thermal utilisation.

档案的整理和利用是清史编纂工程的基础。The systematisation and the subsequent utilisation of archives necessarily form the basis for the compilation of Qing history.

此类通知须无任何明显错误,且必须作为此次提款日期及金额的确凿证据。Such notice shall, in the absence of manifest error, be conclusive evidence as to the date and amount of the Utilisation concerned.

食环署在二○○四年至二○○八年期间共进行三次调查,以收集市民对公厕的意见和了解市民使用公厕的情况。FEHD conducted three surveys between 2004 and 2008 to collect public views on public toilets and data on the utilisation of public toilets.

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大象和人口的数目都在激增,这为土地利用和水及食物资源的分配形成了新的挑战。Both elephant and human populations have been booming, thereby creating challenges on land utilisation and a fight for access to water and food resources.

本文介绍了木糖代谢工程菌的研究进展和策略。In this paper, we describe the strategies of xylose metabolic engineering and sum up the progress in construction of xylose utilisation recombinant strains.

各贷款提款均构成借款人的合法、有效及有约束力的义务,且均必须按照本协议之条款进行偿还。Each Utilisation of the Loan shall constitute a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Borrower, repayable in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

当你们写下4个因素模式,你最后得到可能性逃跑裂变乘以,热能使用因素,乘以η,乘以εSo when you write the four factor formula you end up with the probability it escapes fission times the thermal utilisation factor, times the Eta, times the epsilon.

息税前利润下降了刚刚超过百分之三,这主要是由于产能利用率低利率的结果是逆转的关键植物的持续时间比原定时间。EBIT declined by just over three percent, primarily due to low capacity utilisation rates as a result of turnarounds of key plants that lasted longer than scheduled.

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间套种大大提高了作物的产量,有效地利用了土地,李隆说,间套种的这种优势能够满足世界上不断增长的食物需要。The greater yields and more efficient land utilisation resulting from intercropping could be a significant factor in meeting the increasing global food demand, said Li.

OPT正在为浮标测试阶段之后的商业用途寻找更多的资助,也包括浮标在许多潜在领域的应用。OPT is seeking additional financing for the commercial utilisation of the buoy after the trial phase is completed, including its possible deployment at various potential sites.

科罗恩克必须尽快决定是否要提前结束这些合同,并且使俱乐部更加国际化,酋长球场的使用更加多样化,成为一座多功能体育和娱乐场馆。Kroenke must decide whether to end those deals early, while also driving global expansion and the further utilisation of the Emirates as a multi-event sports and entertainment venue.