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印度南部中心的贡迪人所说的德拉维甸语。Dravidian language spoken by the Gond people in S central India.

梵语和德拉威语也是相互影响。There has also been reciprocal influence between Sanskrit and the Dravidian languages.

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在南方说德拉威语的印度人认为这是从北方来的文化压迫。South Indian speakers of Dravidian languages considered that a cultural imposition from the north.

他是个印度人,一个黑皮肤的德拉维苦力,身上几乎一丝不挂,死去没有几分钟。He was an Indian, a black Dravidian coolie, almost naked, and he could not have been dead many minutes.

此外,讲述德拉威语的人是否在任何时期和任何历史都遍及整个次大陆还没有证实。Moreover, the presence of Dravidian speakers throughout the whole subcontinent at any time in history is not attested.

这些特征之一是出现在印度语言里的卷舌音,印欧语系和德拉威语系都存在。One of these features is the appearance of retroflex consonants in Indian languages, both Indo-European and Dravidian.

这些七世纪和八世纪时的带有佛教色彩的德拉威遗迹是印度教的神毗湿奴和湿婆的神庙。These seventh and eighth century Dravidian relics with Buddhist elements are temples to the Hindu gods Vishnu and Shiva.

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事实上印度教起源的历史能跟德拉维人联系上,这样可能就远远不止公元前1500年。The history of the origins of Hinduism actually lies with the Dravidian peoples and this may actually be a lot further back than 1500 BC.

在穆斯林入侵次大陆之前,南印度新形式的巴克提在撒布,是为德拉威语的南部所不及。Before the time the Muslims invaded the subcontinent, the new forms of South Indian bhakti were spreading beyond the bounds of the Dravidian south.

春羽树的枝条在五车神庙上投下阴影,这里是七世纪时期达罗毗萘人祭祀印度教诸神的圣坛,每一座神庙都是用一整块巨大的花岗岩卵石雕刻而成。Lacy tree branches cast their shadows on the Five Raths, seventh century Dravidian shrines to Hindu gods each carved from a single, massive granite boulder.

有证据表明迁徙的德拉维人穿过中东,定居在伊朗高原,最后开始了向印度迁徙之路。There is evidence, which suggests that the Dravidian peoples migrated through the Middle East, settled in the Iranian Plateau, and then made their way to India.

在俾路支,达罗毗语被称为布拉灰,如果关于达罗毗的假说成立,那么我们就可以将泰米尔那多地区一种古老形式的泰米尔语——达罗毗语的一支与古印度河文字进行匹配,进行破译。If theDravidian hypothesis is correct, it might be possible to match wordsfrom the old form of Tamil, a Dravidian language spoken in Tamil Nadu, with the Indus signs.