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枪骑兵和舞者经过一次被投毒的注射。Lancers and dancers pass a poisoned syringe.

德奇在克隆人战争的缪尼林斯特战役期间亲率一支IG枪骑兵部队。Durge led an army of IG lancers during the Battle of Muunilinst in the Clone Wars.

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塔塔尔枪骑兵身穿传统鳞甲,手持骑枪长剑,作战视死如归。Tartar Lancers ride into battle dressed in lamellar armour and with a sharpened sword in hand.

西帕希枪骑兵是从那些富裕得能提供近战用的铠甲的西帕希领主中征募。Lancers are drawn from the wealthier Sipahis who can afford the armour needed by close combat troops.

轻骑兵们装备轻型链甲或镶甲,手持骑枪长剑,作战十分出色。Very fast, these elite lancers are equipped with light mail or brigandine armour and armed with lance and sword.

网络化和电子商务的发展将会造就大批的自由职业者,从而将对社会结构产生深远影响。The Net and e-commerce will foster a large number of free- lancers , and this will affect social structure in a big way.

英军第24枪骑兵团对德军进行了反击,冲进了装甲掷弹兵的队伍。The British 24th Lancers counterattacked in response to the success of the Germans, getting in among the panzergrenadiers.

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步行拜占庭枪骑兵盔甲精良,训练有素,军纪森严,遍布拜占庭全国。Well trained and disciplined troops and used throughout the Byzantine Empire, these Lancers are well armoured and equipped.

拿破仑长矛骑兵军官查拉博斯基写到,他的矛骑兵同样接受了马刀刺杀训练。Officer Chlapowski of Napoleon's Guard lancers, wrote that his lancers were also trained with the curved saber to use the point.

当拿破仑本人被放逐厄尔巴岛时,唯一被允许跟随他但当警卫的便是那支波兰枪骑兵。When Napoleon was forced into exile on Elba, the only unit he was allowed to have with him as the guards were the Polish Lancers.

尽管枪骑兵通常上马作战,但必要时亦会步下厮杀,此时他们即成为精锐重装剑士部队。Although generally fighting mounted, lancers can dismount when necessary. On foot, they fight as armoured swordsmen, and make effective infantry.

此外,正如人们所猜测的,吉诺曼姑娘曾试图把她宠爱的那个长矛兵军官拿来顶替马吕斯,但是没有成功。However, as the reader has been able to conjecture, Mademoiselle Gillenormand had failed in her attempt to substitute her favorite, the officer of lancers , for Marius.

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奥斯曼帝国,特别是西部地区,仍有很多西帕希保留基督教信仰,从他们当中徵召之枪骑兵,完全有力购置精良盔甲,以应付近身搏杀。In western regions of the Ottoman empire especially, many Sipahis remained Christian. Lancers are drawn from the wealthier Sipahis who can afford the armour needed by close combat troops.

奇奇梅克长枪兵使用木制长柄的燧石长矛,这种狩猎武器能够用于战阵,组成坚固防御阵型,将敌人远拒在战斧攻击范围之外。Chichimec lancers wield long wooden flint tipped spears. Useful when hunting, this weapon is also useful in defending formations and for holding off enemies at a range longer than a hatchet's.