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地面上的生活很拥挤。Life aboveground is crowded.

地上水箱由钢筋混凝土制成。Aboveground water tank, made of reinforced concrete.

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这座城市特有的地市墓地游仪式也是很受欢迎的。Tours of the city's unique aboveground cemeteries are also popular.

我们食用花生,然后把花生植物的地面部份留给山羊进食。We will eat the goobers and feed the aboveground portion of the plants to the goats.

地上生物量与胸径关系模型的相关性都达到极显著。The model between aboveground biomass and DBH is fine because of its high significance.

黄河悬河的形成是自然营力与人为因素综合作用的产物。The aboveground river of the Yellow River was formed by natural and artificial processes.

水稻与秧田萌生稗草的生物量比率、茎蘖比率和产量比率增加均不显著。The ratios of aboveground biomass, tiller number and yield did not increase significantly.

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地上植被中的物种数和植株数随弃耕年限的增大不断增大。The number of species and plants in aboveground vegetation was increasing with abandoned years.

总体来看,天山云杉林土壤种子库与地上植被之间的相似性在0.2~0.286之间。The similarity between soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation ranges from 0.2 to 0.286 totally.

2001年开幕的澳门旅游塔高338米,可俯瞰澳门全景。Inaugurated in 2001, Macau Tower soars 338m aboveground offering the best panoramic view of the city.

羊草群落土壤呼吸的季节变化规律与地上绿色体生物量的季节动态同步。The rule of seasonal change of soil respiration synchronized with that of the aboveground blue biomass.

大红色设计时髦的空中单车,是个挂在离地12英尺环形轨道上的小吊舱。The mod-looking bright red capsule, called Skyride, hangs from a 12-foot-tall circular aboveground track.

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同时还论述了与地面规划的协调、与开发策略的协调和与前瞻性的协调。At the same time the coordiration with aboveground planning, development strategy and foresight is discussed.

我们可以重新开始,它返回地面和宽容几天的牺牲。Psychically renewed, we could then return aboveground and put up with another couple of days of victimization.

随着草地退化程度的加剧,地上、地下生物量以及土壤全氮、全钾的含量也随之下降。The aboveground and underground biomass, and total N, total K content decrease with the degradation of grassland.

地上生物量与地下生物量分配与云南松生态适应对策有关,在幼苗期生物量优先向地下分配。The distribution of aboveground and underground biomass is related to the adaptation strategies of Pinus yunnanensis.

类似地,在天目山随着海拔的上升,地上部分的密度调控指数从-1.652变为-0.883。Likewise, the scaling exponent of aboveground biomass increased from -1.652 to -0.883 with altitude in mountain Tianmu.

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就此讨论了白鹤梁的保护方式,及其地面陈列馆的设计方案。This paper has studied the protective method and the aboveground exhibition hall design of this famous Baiheliang Ridge.

云南松个体生物量、种群生物量、地上生物量和地下生物量均随林龄增加而增加。It has been observed that individual, population, aboveground and underground biomass increase with increasing stand age.

草原土拨鼠不会冬眠一整个冬天,初春它们就重新回到地面上活动了。Though not completely dormant during the winter, prairie dogs return to activity and aboveground life in earnest in spring.