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如果我们想提高投票人的数量,If we want a higher voter turnout,

这次选举的选民投票率很低。Voter turnout was low for the election.

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你们是否认为这会影响选民投票率?Do you think this is going to affect voter turnout?

投弃权票后能否另选他人?。Can the voter elect someone else after he or she abstains?

因为选民舞弊,选举结果无效。The election results were nullified because of voter fraud.

那看起来有点像中间选民模型Now that's looking a little bit like the median voter model.

但是现在如果有参选者也跟他一个德性,选民应当有理由在第一时间质问他了。Who has that now, the first time voter might reasonably ask.

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在最近两次中期选举中,选民投票率均有所上升。In the last two mid-term elections, voter turnout has gone up.

这会增加选民选择的机会,并打破两党垄断的地位。This would boost voter choice and break the two-party duopoly.

这个模型中每个选民是一个潜在候选人So the idea of the model is each voter is a potential candidate.

我们现在的问题是参与投票的人数较少,但每一张选票都是有意义的。What we have right now is low voter turnout, but the votes count

这场音乐会旨在开始全国性的选民登记运动。The concert was to kick off a nationwide voter registration drive.

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它还利用美联社制作的全国各地投票人统计表。It also uses AP’s tabulation of voter returns from around the country.

投票人把要选的人的名字写在选票上,投进票箱。The voter wrote his candidate's name on this ballot and put it in a box.

据估计,本次投票率达到85%,是四十年内最高的一次。Voter turnout was projected at 85 percent, a level not seen in 40 years.

在炎热的旅馆俚热心的投票者没有冖意到显而易见的笔记本。In the hot hotel the devoted voter did not notice the noticeable notebook.

这位官员将选举的书面材料分送给每位选民。The official distributed written material about the election to every voter.

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我们要假设模型中每个选民,是一个潜在的候选人We're going to assume that each voter in the model is a potential candidate.

他表示选民名单上有缍“几百万人不应该被登记在册”。He said 'millions' of people are on voter rolls 'who shouldn't be registered.

我认为,强制选民投票的结果是不知情的投票。I think that having a forced voter turnout would only force an uninformed vote.