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但是,荣誉可能会就此止步。But the kudos will probably stop right here.

谢天谢地日本废掉了这只“巨龟”。Kudos to Japan on scrapping this 'giant turtle'.

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荣誉归于西班牙和他们的踢踏足球,这是他们所应得的。Kudos to Spain and their tiki-taka. They deserved it.

不管怎样,这些荣誉给研究女性的研究者们。Anyway, kudos to these researchers for studying women.

洋基与贾霸做了这些改变真是对极了。Kudos to the Yankees and Joba for making these changes.

非常敬佩那些每天有勇气穿梭在这些蜿蜒曲折的立交桥上的开车族。Kudos to the commuters who brave these winding routes every day.

英国皇室大赞这个新事物是有潜力的社交媒介!Kudos to the British Royalty for recognizing the potential of social media!

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哈哈,太滑稽啦。向不买这繁琐无际之谈的中国二鞠躬致敬。Haha, too funny. Double kudos for China for not buying this cockamamie nonsense.

海莉·斯坦菲尔德在典礼的前期已经赢得了一些时尚称赞了。Hailee Steinfeld has pulled off some serious fashion kudos at previous ceremonies.

能带给他的女人“喷涌的快感”携她到达性乐巅峰,这让男人荣耀无比。Kudos to the men who can make their ladies "gush" and attain the ultimate in sexual ecstasy!

在伦敦舞台上取得成功可以提升在本国的受欢迎度,令低迷的演艺生涯大有起色。A success on the London stage brings kudos back home and can give a boost to a flagging career.

在此也谨对大黄蜂工程师们不断进取的精神和坚持软顶的做法表示赞赏。And kudos to Chevy engineers for standing in the way of progress and sticking with the soft top.

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现在探讨和争论已经转变成了无用的侮辱了。你精彩的回复真给你长脸。So now discussion and disagreement has turned to useless insult. Kudos to you on your brilliant reply.

而且制作一本书很有创造性,很有趣并且在礼物被打开的一瞬你就成万众瞩目的焦点了。Plus, making a book is creative, fun, and sure to get you kudos and recognition when your gift is opened.

虽然有非常多英文单词是由希腊词根构成的,但kudos这个词却是被从希腊语中借过来直接使用的。While many, many English words are built on Greek roots, the word kudos is a direct borrowing from Greek.

克林顿拥抱拯救生命的饮食方式后,无疑会获得更长寿以及更健康。Kudos to Clinton for embracing a lifesaving diet that will undoubtedly help him live longer and healthier.

“荣耀”归于为了沐浴在世界舞台温暖的闪光灯下而耗尽外汇储备的的主席。Kudos to this depletion of reserves for the President to bathe in the warm floodlights in the global stage.

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这是今年我看过的最佳影片,剧本和导演尤其让人印象深刻,对它的所有溢美之辞可谓名至实归。The story and the direction are the best I've seen so far this year, and it deserves all the kudos it gets.

影片也因为尊重观众的智慧,绝无投机取巧,敷衍了事而赢得了赞赏。The film has also earned kudos for respecting the audience's intelligence and never taking the easy way out.

大连酷岛渔具有限公司恭候您的光临期待与您长期,友好的合作!Welcome to visit Kudos and we are looking forward to establishing the long-term friendly cooperation with you.