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鲑鳟鱼斜向地顺流而下。The trout angled downstream.

他在这河里捕鳟鱼。He fished the stream for trout.

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钓起一条小小的银鱼。And caught a little silver trout.

锯鲉也不如海鳟光滑。A sculpin is not so smooth as a trout.

一条真鳟咬住假蝇向上游快速游去。A trout took the fly and ran upstream.

鲑鱼捕食蝌蚪和小青蛙。Trout feed on tadpoles and young frogs.

在这里你可以游泳和钓鳟鱼。There's also swimming and trout fishing.

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我正在用一只苍蝇钓褐鳟。I was fishing for brown trout with a fly.

指着河里游动着的一条鳟鱼。He pointed to a trout wavering in midstream.

在怀柔可以吃到鲜美的虹鳟。You can eat delicious rainbow trout in Huairou.

我喜欢鱼,以前我在俄罗斯从未吃过鳟鱼。I like fish. I never ate trout before in Russia.

赤眼鳟因其眼上有红色,故而得名。Brown trout is named for the red tint on its eyes.

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鲑鱼和河鲈在水晶般清澈的河流嬉戏。Trout and perch swam in the crystal clear streams.

比如说,华盛顿州虹鳟鱼。For example, the steelhead trout in Washington state.

他那没了头发的脑壳看上去就像虹鳟鱼的鱼皮。His scalp is spotted like the skin of a rainbow trout.

厨师这里还有一只鳟鱼头——后面我们会用的上。The cook also had one trout head – comes in handy too.

斯第尔顿奶酪的气味并没有盖住鲑鱼的香味。The Stilton doesn't overwhelm the flavour of the trout.

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低音也可以采取干苍蝇人会用鳟。Bass can also be taken on dry flies one would use for trout.

参观虹鳟鱼场及体验钓鱼的乐趣。Visit rainbow trout field and experience the fun of fishing.

最后一张,是一条密苏里河钓上的蒙大拿褐鳟。Missouri River, Montana brown trout. Photo by Jamie Benedict.