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请看管好随身物品。Please mind your belongings.

我需要的把我的财产分类。I needed to sort my belongings.

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请带齐您的物品。Please take all you belongings.

所带的物品都得上税吗?。Are all belongings subject to duty?

把你的所有随身行李放入篮子里。Put all your belongings in ths basket.

我把财物抢救出来,免遭洪水淹没。I rescued my belongings from the flood.

别忘了带齐您的物品。Don't forget to take all your belongings.

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不要出借或是求借钱或财物。Don't lend or borrow money or belongings.

好的。我可以把我所有的财务带进去吗?All right. Shall I enter all my belongings?

插角双方扩大到适用于所有财物。Gusseted sides expand to fit all belongings.

我只带了一些个人用品。I have nothing but some personal belongings.

她把她仅有的一些所有物绑成一捆。She tied up her few belongings into a bundle.

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请检查您的行李物品确保带好。Please check to be sure you have your belongings.

他们夺走了村民的财物。They despoiled the villagers of their belongings.

他们抢劫了乘客们的所有财物。They looted all the belongings of the passengers.

贼夺走了那老人的财物。The thief despoiled the old man of his belongings.

对别人的财产也要关心和爱护。Treat other people’s belongings with care and love.

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起点处可以寄存私人物品。Personal belongings can be stored at the start area.

公共区域不放置个人用品。Do not put your personal belongings in a public area.

下车时请携带好随身物品。Please take care of your belongings when getting off.