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我连接上了。I’m connected.

连接性最强的那个人?The most connected guy?

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我们都与之有关。We're all connected to this.

现在小部件已连接。Now the widgets are connected.

病灶与脐相连。Focus connected with umbilicus.

他们都想有被心灵联通的感觉。They all want to feel connected.

我们是联络着的一代。We are the connected generation.

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你连接到两个血液个人游。You're connected to two blood IVs.

仅仅是一组连接起来的服务器。It just a set of connected servers.

逆变器是并联的吗?。Are the inverters connected parallel?

不知道有没有人接活?Do not know if anyone connected life?

话务员给我们接通了电话。Thee telephone operator connected us.

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而镜头与电影更是骨肉相连。But flesh with film is shot connected.

味觉和嗅觉是密切相关的。Taste and smell are closely connected.

咖啡店现在都是无线上网了。The cafe is wi-fi broadband connected.

与他有关系的人都是正派人。He's connected to all the right people.

它与很多因素相关联It's connected with a number of things.

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价格和商品质量的关系Assuming price and quality are connected

我觉得这些事情是互有关联的I think that those things are connected.

与行业协会保持联系。Stay connected to industry associations.