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它包含在玻璃体里面。This is contained in the vitreous.

自穿通伤口向玻璃体内有明显的纤维组织增生。Fibroplasia was visible from wound to vitreous body.

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光泽是玻璃体,以珠光,特别是对卵裂表面。Luster is vitreous to pearly especially on cleavage surfaces.

玻璃体新陈代谢慢,出血吸收不快。Vitreous body metabolism is slow, haemorrhage draws displeasure.

玻璃体同样发生机械性和退行性变化。Similar mechanical and degenerative changes occur in the vitreous.

将玻璃体的牵引带切除,或将牵引带剥开。Will vitreous traction with the removal, or traction with ripping.

淋浴房的玻璃门是决定价格的一个重要因素。The vitreous door of shower room is a when decide the value main factor.

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采用陶瓷结合剂CBN砂轮磨削可以达到更高的磨削效率。Grinding with vitreous bond CBN wheels can achieve higher grinding efficiency.

液化部位玻璃体结构解体,形成充满液体的空隙。Disintegrate of structure of liquefacient place vitreous body, form fill liquid gap.

目的探讨玻璃体切除术治疗玻璃体积血的临床疗效。Objective To discuss the clinical effect of vitrectomy treating vitreous hemorrhages.

观察玻璃体胶原纤维的空间结构及纤溶酶对其空间结构的影响。To reveal the fibrillar network in vitreous and the effect of plasmin on this network.

目的探讨在复杂性眼球外伤治疗中玻璃体手术的疗效和意义。Objective To investigate significance of vitreous surgery for complicated ocular trauma.

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在洗浴区,我们选用与墙漆颜色接近的玻璃马赛克。Washing bath area, we choose the vitreous mosaic that is close to with wall paint color.

该厂产的黑釉瓷,曾获得巴拿马国际博览会奖章。Black vitreous enamel plant production, has received medals of Panama International Fair.

玻璃体浑浊是什么原因引起的啊?可以治疗吗?用什么方法治疗?。Is vitreous body cloudy what reason be cause ah? Can be you treated? With what method cure?

结果28眼巩膜裂伤中出现牵拉性网脱16眼、单纯性玻璃体浑浊12眼。Results 16 eyes had tractional detachment of retina of retina 12 eyes had vitreous opacity.

淡绿色磨砂半透明的玻璃洗脸盆,看着干净、雅致。Virescent the vitreous lavatory that grinds arenaceous translucence , look at clean, refined.

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目的观察玻璃体胶原纤维的空间结构及纤溶酶对其空间结构的影响。Objective To reveal the fibrillar network in vitreous and the effect of plasmin on this network.

在视网膜病变晚期,可以采用玻璃体切割术清除出血的玻璃体。In advanced cases of retinopathy, a vitrectomy to remove the blood-filled vitreous may be necessary.

玻璃家具能够营造出冰清玉洁、典雅脱俗的家居气氛。Vitreous furniture can build elegant and a pure and noble, free from vulgarity household atmosphere.