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在设计时就考虑到硬件的可管理性Design for hardware manageability

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可管理性适合于这个系统的哪些方面呢?Where does manageability fit into this picture?

想象一下它有完整的安全性和可管理性。And imagine it does it with complete security and manageability.

处置性是操息通讯编制的本领。Manageability is the ability to manipulate the communication system.

具有延展性的IP地址让你的网络拥有了灵活的管理。The malleable IP address gives your network some flexible manageability.

所以集成和可管理性成为新环境中的关键问题。Integration and manageability become critical issues of the new environments.

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这样做是为了便于访问、更新、备份、历史访问和管理。This is for access, update, backup, historical access, and ease of manageability.

版本在可管理性和自主性方面新增了许多功能。With respect to manageability and autonomics, there are many new features in DB2 V8.2.

这种独立模型虽然非常有用,但是在可管理性方面也带来了一组挑战。This standalone model, while useful, presents a set of challenges in terms of manageability.

这些平台上的自主计算的主要好处是基于标准的易管理性。The major benefit of autonomic computing on these platforms is standards-based manageability.

然而这两种方法在动态分布式环境中都有严重的管理问题。However, both of these approaches have severe manageability issues in a dynamic distributed environment.

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因此,任何机群系统管理软件体系结构的可管理性可以通过考察其满足CAR性质的程度来判断。The manageability of a cluster system management software architecture can be judged by the degree of CAR.

一种通过管理性引擎进行企业网单点登录的方法和系统。The invention relates to a method and system for enterprise network single-sign-on by a manageability engine.

除了数据共享和网络通信方面的考虑之外,还必须考虑集群设计的可管理性。Beyond data sharing and network traffic considerations, you must consider manageability in the cluster design.

使用工作负载分区管理器,您还应该发现对分区具有更强的可管理性。You should also experience increased manageability of the partitions available through the Workload Partition Manager.

这将大大缩短ESB新特性和新功能的研发周期,快速推向市场,并使ESB发布更易于管理。This should help speed time to market for new ESB features and functions, and improve manageability of ESB deployments.

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当表达到一定大小时,通过实现分区表空间可以提高易管理性和性能。When tables reach a certain size, manageability and performance can be improved by implementing partitioned table spaces.

该结构强调系统的可扩展性、单一系统映象、好用易管理性,以及高可用性。Cluster architecture emphasis on its high scalability, single-system image, usability, manageability and high availability.

由于这些是临时资源,会在结束之后立即销毁,因此需要简化这些分区的可管理性。As these are temporary resources, they are destroyed as soon as they end, simplifying the manageability of these partitions.