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汤米·塔克试图系上塔米的海龟领带。Tommy Tucker tried to tie Tammy 's Turtles tie.

塔克·海登是我最好的朋友,他总有一堆稀奇古怪的主意。Hayden Tucker is my best friend, but he gets weird ideas.

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她向女学生卡罗琳·塔克颁发了英勇奖状。She presented a bravery award to schoolgirl Caroline Tucker.

美国国际集团表示,威尔逊将协助塔克到今年年底。Wilson will assist Tucker through the end of this year, AIG said.

他们刚刚养了一只小金毛,取名叫做塔克。They had justgotten a puppy, a golden retriever they named Tucker.

随后,麦凯恩发言人特纳-邦茨对此做出回应,提醒选民要小心。Tucker Bounds, a spokesman for McCain, responded afterward by cautioning voters.

我最后悔没能给予赦免的两桩案子是关于韦布·哈贝尔和吉姆·盖伊·塔克的。The two cases I most regretted turning down were Webb Hubbell and Jim Guy Tucker.

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后来,我见到吉姆·盖伊·塔克时向他道了歉,将来有一天,我也会对韦布道歉。I later apologized to Jim Guy Tucker when I saw him and will do the same to Webb one day.

写作本书的想法源自于米塞斯研究院,与道格·法兰西与杰夫·塔克的会议。This book was launched in a meeting with Doug French and Jeff Tucker of the Mises Institute.

深能公司的塔克和其他人期待该行业将最终使其数据公开。Energy in Depth’s Tucker and others expect the industry will eventually make its data public.

塔克从来没有做过伴娘,她说,“我希望有一天能做伴娘,看上去这是个更好的角色”。Tucker has never been a bridesmaid, she said, “but I hope to be one day. It seems the better role.”

一组的南部海狮懒散在一处岩石的露头在塔克岛智利火地岛之外。A group of southern sea lions lazes on a rocky outcrop off Tucker Island in Chilean Tierra del Fuego.

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汤米•塔克拿了两段绳子,把两只乌龟拴在两棵大树上。请问这句话中有多少个“T”?。Tommy Tucker took two strings and tied two turtles to two tall trees. How many T's are there in that?

降生在桑塔尔部落的Betka“不知不觉就与遥远的亲人拉近了距离。”Born into the Santhal tribe, Betka “unknowingly drew his distant kin closer than ever.” — Abigail Tucker

由于我们的广告反击攻势,再加上我们组织得力,吉姆.盖伊.塔克的得票率下降到23%。Under the counterassault of my ads and the strength of our organization, Jim Guy Tucker fell to 23 percent.

而麦凯恩的发言人塔克.邦兹几乎是不提这位水暖工就说不上一句整话了。Tucker Bounds, a McCain spokesman, could barely utter two consecutive sentences without mentioning the plumber.

两年以前,前任州检察官吉姆。盖伊。塔克带头推动议会通过了新的刑法。Two years earlier, Attorney General Jim Guy Tucker had spearheaded a new criminal code through the legislature.

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塔克仍然穿着那双轻松的红色单鞋,尽管她什么东西都没有吃。Tucker was still standing effortlessly in her red pumps, in spite of the fact that she hadn't had anything to eat.

塔克还是马基纳克公共政策中心的助理学者和锁子甲大学一名教员。Tucker is also an adjunct scholar with the Mackinac Center for Public Policy and an Acton University faculty member.

在最近的周年大会上被选为会长后,德加更是满肚密圈。Tucker was elected chairman at the HKCA's recent AGM and is relishing the challenges that come with his new position.