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我在弗吉尼亚号上干什么?What was I doing on the Virginian ?

看西弗吉尼亚的矿难照片。See photos from the West Virginian mining tragedy.

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你是一个弗吉尼亚人,弗吉尼亚人应当领导这个事业。You are a Virginian and a Virginian ought to head this business.

在到南安普敦时,他离开弗吉尼亚州返回美国。When we got to Southampton he got off the Virginian and went back to America.

李。李是维吉尼亚人,他在美国军队中服役已有三十多年时间。Lee. Lee was a Virginian and had served in the United States army for more than thirty years.

在阿富汗死亡的一名弗吉尼亚州空军的遗物将于周日返回多佛空军基地。The remains of a Virginian airman killed in Afghanistan returned to Dover Air Force Base Sunday.

李是维吉尼亚人,他在美国军队中服役已有三十多年时间。He was Robert E. Lee. Lee was a Virginian and had served in the United States army for more than thirty years.

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这只弗吉尼亚标本就是跳蛛,而它微小的身体内藏有无尽的围捕、突袭和猎杀的能力。This Virginian specimen is the jumping spider, and it packs a ton of stalking, pouncing , killing firepower in its tiny body.

不像当时其他的弗吉尼亚年轻人,他没上过威廉斯堡弗吉尼亚州府的威廉玛丽大学。For unlike other young Virginian of that day, he did not go to the College of William and Mary in the Virginian capital of Williamsburg.

一名来自纽约的犹太学者和他的妻子在孟买的犹太人中心被杀,而另一名维吉尼亚男子和他的女儿也在当地被射杀。A rabbi from New York and his wife were killed at a Jewish center in Mumbai while a Virginian man and his daughter were gunned down at a hotel there.

堂亲结婚是弗吉尼亚精英加固联盟的重要习俗,“很多国教徒女士改变了她们的境遇,但不改变其姓氏”。Cousin marriage was an important custom that helped cement bonds among the Virginian elite, "and many an Anglican lady changed her condition but not her name".

当姻缘巧合,红线将弗吉尼亚白人雅各布和印第安女人雷霆之心牵在一起时,这个美国西部的长篇故事也开始了。When events conspire to bring the white Virginian Jacob and the native woman Thunder Heart Woman together, the saga of the opening of the American West begins.

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「你是一位数学家,怎会相信外太空有讯息传给你?」哈佛大学来的访客问这位有明星长相及选手身材的西维吉尼亚人。"How could you, a mathematician, believe that extraterrestrials were sending you messages?" the visitor from Harvard asked the West Virginian with the movie-star and Olympian manner.