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汝用事,即侵削诸侯,疏人骨肉。Thou act, that is, cut feudatory invasion, sparse human osteosarcoma.

在幕末激荡的历史时期,许多藩士冒着“叛藩叛国”罪的危险而脱藩。In the violent period of Bakumatsu, many samurai ran the risk of treason to quit feudatory.

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地方自治与民族自治是藩属制度的基本特征之一。Local self-government and national autonomy are the basic features of the feudatory system.

魏国王子牟,他的封地在中山,所以大家都称他中山公子牟。Mou, the prince of Wei, received his feudatory in Zhongshan. So, he was called Zhongshan Prince Mou.

运用灰色多维综合隶属度评估方法,研究了棉花品种各性状的综合优劣程度。Gray multidimensional comprehensive feudatory degree evaluation on main agronomic characters was conducted with 6 varieties.

尽管如此,世禄制并未完全退出历史舞台,而是蜕变成封君食邑制。Although the hereditary title system completely withdraws from the historical arena and is transforms the feudatory to eat the feud.

周公构建的制度中影响重大的有宗法制、分封制、嫡长子继承制、法制等。The most influential systems constructed by Duke Zhou include the patriarchal clan system, feudatory system, hereditary system and legal system.

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为了结束战乱与割据,实现天下一统,在连绵不绝的战争同时,各诸侯国日臻重视军事防务。At the time of the long-term wars, every feudatory states pay attention to military affairs gradually in order to end chaos of the wars and separatist regimes, make China unify at last.

此次改革对君主、世袭领主、修道院、封地贵族、地方行政长官、农奴等各方的经济关系和行政隶属关系做出重新梳理和调整。In this reform the economic relations and administration subjection relations among monarch hereditary seignior abbey feudatory aristocrat local administrators and were rehackled and adjusted.

春秋战国时期,楚国是疆域最辽阔的诸侯国,加上历时八百年,楚国文化成为中华民族文化的重要组成部分。Chu was the most expansive feudatory nation in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period. Chu culture has become an important part of the Chinese culture over the period of over 800 years.