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“更新数据”操作更改了数据透视表报表。The Refresh Data operation changed the PivotTable report.

选定的数据区域包括一张数据透视表报表。The data range you have selected includes a PivotTable report.

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不勾选复选框的话,这些字段就会从数据透视表中移除。Un-checking a checkbox will remove the field from the PivotTable.

和列表样式一样,数据透视表用户界面也提供了一个样式展台。In the same way as table styles, the PivotTable UI offer styles in a gallery.

在透视表公式中不能输入对分类汇总和数据项的引用。References to subtotals and data items cannot be entered into PivotTable formulas.

现在透视表不再包括山地自行车和公路自车的分类汇总项目。And now the PivotTable no longer contains the subtotals for Mountain Bikes and Road Bikes.

在数据透视表中每个行区域、列区域或页区域只能有一个分类汇总。Only one subtotal per row area, column area, or page area can be entered in a PivotTable reference.

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比方说你有下面这样的透视表,你想显示所有“加拿大”有用的细节。Say you have the following PivotTable and you want to display all the available details for Canada.

这个标签用来容纳你在使用数据透视表时的所有常用命令。This tab is designed to hold all the commands you would commonly use when working with a PivotTable.

在本文中,我将讲述一个很小,但是非常有用的数据透视表功能——推迟数据透视表更新。In this article, I'll cover a small yet very useful PivotTable feature – deferring PivotTable updates.

我们从数据透视表用户那里经常听说的另外烦恼就是清除数据透视表中的数据太困难或是太慢。Another thing we hear from PivotTable users all the time is that it is too difficult or slow to clear stuff off of a PivotTable.

这里有个例子,数据透视表显示服务器上设计的数字格式——在本例中,为带两位小数位数的美元。Here is an example of a PivotTable displaying number formatting as defined on the server – in this case dollars with two decimals.

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这就是数据透视表用计数代替求和来汇总数据源的全部内容。这儿是这一结果的截图。And that's all it takes to have the PivotTable use Count instead of Sum to aggregate the source data. Here is a screen shot of the result.

成员属性也可以添加到数据透视表本身内部,当你需要打印该信息或者只是想让它时时可见。The member properties can also be added inside the PivotTable itself when you need to print the information or just have it be visible all the time.

这个特征的主要好处就是在你的屏幕中数据透视表的行标签占据更少的空间,所以有更多的空间让你放置你的数据。One of the key benefits of this feature is that PivotTable row labels take up far less room on your screen, so that there is much more room for your numbers.

从本质上讲,这是相同的命令,除非当你使用这个命令时,我们知道你想把你正在操作的列表作为数据透视表的源数据。This is essentially the same command, except when you use this command, we know that you want the table you are working with to be the data source for the PivotTable.