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这是个和谐音Here is a consonance.

八音度的音程和和音。The interval and the consonance of an octave.

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我们将在会上讨论出一致。We will discuss the consonance in the meeting.

上帝的话与是乎合证据的。The Word of God is in consonance with evidence.

他的行为与他的言论不一致。His actions were not in consonance with his words.

在此作品中有无更多的和协音程或是不和协的?。Is there more consonance or dissonance in this work?

轻唤你的名字,今生的心有灵犀蝶舞翩跹!Mews your name, life's heart consonance Splendor Fantasy!

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比例是部分对全体在尺度间的调和。Proportion is the consonance of portion against entirety.

即使相隔万里,也能心有灵犀。Even though thousands of miles apart can also have consonance.

这样的民主方式与我们非洲人自身的传统是相符合的。This type of democracy is in consonance with our own African heritage.

硬币丢在锡碗里叮当作响,而他听到的只有金属碰撞的韵律。When the metals clanged together, kuai and tin, he heard only consonance.

这就是将不和谐音,解构为和谐音的原理的So that's the principle of this idea of dissonance resolving to consonance.

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午饭过后我们回到了营地,导师让我们进行“有灵犀”的训练。After lunch we returned to the camp, instructors let us "consonance" training.

我们已经叙述了用谐波的符合来表示谐合的规则。We have stated a rule for consonance in terms of the coincidence of harmonics.

认识一致是知识、思想和信念之间的一致。Cognitive consonance is a consistency between the knowledge, ideas and beliefs.

真诚之中,与你相识相知,灵犀之间,与你朝夕相伴。Among faith, and you knew them, consonance between the companions with you day and night.

调和中西、折中新旧,是东方文化派中西文化观的基本特征。Consonance and compromising were basic characteristics of thought of Orient Culture School.

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为了迎合本周五的万圣节,我为大家播放了一个万圣节主题的电影。In consonance to the Halloween happening this Friday, I showed them a Halloween-themed movie.

这是美与善之间的协调,抑制一方面会导致另一方面失序。There is a consonance between beauty and goodness and to repress the one is to distort the other.

“谐”,本指音韵的和洽,引申为协调关系或适当状态。"Harmony", figured the consonance of the sound, expands to the coordinated relations or the suitable condition.