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只不过是令人心悦诚服的真相表层罢了。It only took a convincing patina of truth.

铜绿是一个美丽的词语,也是一个美好的概念。Patina is a pretty word, and a beautiful concept.

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为了向他的原型中,那身经典的带有花纹的黑色战甲表示敬意,我将他的胸甲设计成铜绿色。The patina chest armor is a homage to his classic shinny black armor.

调查人员从雕像上刮取绿锈,作为显微镜观察的样本。The investigators scraped microscopic samples of the patina off the statues.

这个奖杯给人印象非常深刻,相当特别,因为它表面有一层漂亮的绿锈。The trophy is very impressive and rather special because it has a beautiful green patina.

但这个拥有金嗓子无家可归的传奇故事已经失去了它的传奇色彩。But the tale of Homeless Man with the Golden Voice has already lost its fairy-tale patina.

一个土黏土或砂岩帕蒂娜有助于适应环境的原生景观。A patina of earthen clay or sandstone helps fit your landscape into its native surroundings.

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当铜锅暴露在热和空气中,有些烹饪可能会产生铜绿。Some cooks love the natural mellow patina that develops when copper is exposed to heat and air.

第二套样本中包含有铜绿――在一个石灰石盒子上附着的一种化学物质。The second set consisted of patina ― a chemical film encrustation on one of the limestone boxes.

手打从15针铜,每个调节好的水槽的完成在一段时间内开发了古朴的绿金秀。Hand-hammered from 15-gauge copper, each sink's tempered finish develops a rustic patina over time.

住宅本来打算是木盒子,但是因为保养和维护的花费,设计还是选择将其覆盖带有旧有光泽的锌材料。The house was to be a wooden box but due to maintenance issues it will now be coated with patina zinc.

第二,不同宗教有着共同基础,即世界各地的人们都有着相同的道德直觉。Second, underneath the patina of different religions, people around the world have common moral intuitions.

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雪松将更明亮,而青铜将形成一种深棕色的铜锈,而耐候钢会逐渐生锈。The cedar will lighten, while the bronze will develop a dark brown patina and the weathering steel will further rust.

青灰色的抛光地砖、淡黄色大理石台面,古香古色的柚木镜框增添雅致气息。Mesa of caesious polish floor tile, flaxen marble, the teak picture frame of ancient sweet patina adds refined flavor.

跨线桥结构由古铜被做,有绿色古色并且它的形式是一点象眺望台、怪异建筑物或藤架。The structure of flyover is made from bronze which has a green patina and its form is a little like a gazebo folly or pergola.

研究了不同的铜绿过程,获得了面向房间的暗铜色和室内的抛光青铜。Different patina processes were studied to achieve the dark bronze facing the room and the polished bronze on the interior of the hood.

暗黄、绿色的地毯,古朴的藤椅以及天然本色的陶罐,让整个阳台变得古香古色。Dark the carpet of yellow, green, the cany chair of of primitive simplicity and natural and ecru terrine, let whole balcony become ancient sweet patina.

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老年人及体弱不耐受长期卧床者,选择邻指皮瓣、腹部任意皮瓣等简单皮瓣。Old people and weak patina unable to tolerate long-term bed are better to choose flaps that can repair defect simply like tree finger flap or abdominal random flap.

1810年,人们用蜡将整座雕像保护了起来。但到了1843年,在用盐酸去蜡时雕塑原来的光泽受到了一些破坏。In 1810, the statue was covered with a protective wax and in 1843 an attempt to remove the wax with hydrochloric acid also stripped away some of the original patina.

室内观点和蔓藤花样显示出了萨拉迪诺最好的庆祝,创造出古代世界的性质和神态但是又能够在一个房间里突然轻松的触及到现代气息。Interior views and vignettes show Saladino at his celebrated best, creating old-world character and patina but able to snap a room into the present with deft touches.