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呼气,进入下犬式。Exhale into Downward Dog.

呼气,回到下犬式。Exhale back to Downward Dog.

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为何会回调Why is it correcting downward?

我相信这是一个下行趋势。I believe this is a downward trend.

目前也有降低的趋势Now, there's also a trend downward.

呼气回到单腿下犬式。Exhale back into One Leg Downward Dog.

因为没有增长或者下跌的偏向。Since there's no upward or downward bias.

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将泵向下倾斜,从引擎移出。Tilt pump downward and remove from engine.


叶子可以成为下垂和向下挂。Leaves can become droopy and hang downward.

我取向下的方向为正。We take the downward direction as positive.

上下移动送卡箱或接卡箱。To move a hopper or stacker upward or downward.

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她把那幅画正面朝下放在桌上。She laid the picture face downward on the table.

我们可以画出这样的开口向下的抛物线。So, we should draw maybe this downward parabola.

伸展下背部使尾骨向下靠近垫子。Extend low back so coccyx moves downward toward mat.

警惕时,耳朵向前和向下转动。When alert, the ears are carried forward and downward.

股价猛跌,而且下泻之势无法阻止。Prices plunged. The downward spiral proved unstoppable.

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这种风俗自十六世纪沿袭下来。The custom has continued from the 16th century downward.

场地背后有一个轻微下倾的斜坡。The site shows a slight downward slope towards the back.

地势从南向北逐步降低。The terrain slopes downward from the south to the north.