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外层披毛为刚毛,毛质硬,内层底毛柔软浓密。It is a hard, wiry outer coat with a soft, dense undercoat.

海姆尔的学徒是个叫内尔的精瘦红发小伙。Hammer's apprentice was a wiry red-haired youth called Nail.

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汤普森医生细竹竿一般的手臂上并没有隆起的肌肉。Dr. Thompson is small and wiry with not a bulging muscle onhim.

弦脉是高血压病的常见脉象。Wiry pulse was the common pulse tracings of hypertensive disease.

当她第一次把尼姆揽在臂弯里时,他就已经很粗野很结实了。When she first got him in her arms, he was tough and wiry already.

他的头顶、眉骨及瘦削的下巴上,都覆盖着白皑皑的寒霜。A frosty rime was on his head, and on his eyebrows, and his wiry chin.

刚毛,毛质硬且直,紧贴身体,有一定的底毛。Hard, wiry and straight, lying close to the body with a definite undercoat.

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外层披毛中等长度,直或略呈波浪状,决不能卷曲或呈羊毛质。The outer coat is medium length, straight and wiry , never curly or woolly.

红脸地犀鸟之眼。这种鸟有注目的细长的睫毛。The eye of a southern ground-hornbill. The bird has remarkably long, wiry eyelashes.

毛发质地为中等粗硬,不应该呈丝状或刚毛状。The texture is of medium harshness , not silky or wiry. Wavy or curly hair is a fault.

他满脸胡须,瘦长结实,一副教授模样,在戈勒姆附近的高中教授物理。Bearded, wiry and professorial-looking, he teaches high school physics in nearby Gorham.

暗红舌、白苔、弦脉为常见的舌脉诊情况。Dark red tongue, white coating, wiry pulse are the common manifestations of pulse and tongue.

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伴胸闷,恶心,食欲不佳,舌质胖,苔滑腻,脉弦滑。With tightness in the chest, nausea, poor appetite, the tongue body fat, moss Guni, Wiry slide.

瘦长结实而又紧张,当被要求解释航天飞机的价值时卡巴纳似乎有点意外,也可能感到被侮辱了。Wiry and intense, Cabana seems surprised, and maybe insulted, when asked to explain the Space Shuttle's value.

还有一次,一个个头矮小、精瘦结实、穿着军靴和短裤的男子,因为企图损坏官邸的前门,被逮捕了。Another time, a small, wiry man in combat boots and shorts was apprehended trying to break down the front door.

毛布一种织物,尤其是由马毛或骆驼毛织成的,用于做家具垫布和外衣硬衬。A wiry fabric woven especially from horsehair or camel's hair used for upholstering and for stiffening garments.

透明硬纱一种薄而挺的丝或合成纤维织物,用于装饰、颈部饰物或晚礼服。A wiry fabric woven especially from horsehair or camel's hair, used for upholstering and for stiffening garments.

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“性情急躁”、“弦脉”可能为范冠杰教授确定肝气郁结证的主要辨证要素,“腰酸”、“沉脉”可能为肾虚证的主要辨证要素。"Irritability" and "wiry pulse" might be the main syndrome factors for Professor Fan to determine liver stagnation syndrome.

绝大多数梗类犬拥有特别的刚毛,需要按一定的次序剥毛,以维持其特别的外貌。Most terriers have wiry coats that require special grooming known as stripping in order to maintain a characteristic appearance.

硬直的灰褐色头发,玳瑁眼镜,还有他的热情,Lewin教授活脱脱就是天才科学家的模子。With his wiry grayish-brown hair, his tortoiseshell glasses and his intensity, Professor Lewin is the iconic brilliant scientist.