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我觉得太费解了。I thought it was impenetrable.

我发现他的行为方式令人颇为费解。I find his style somewhat impenetrable.

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这哑谜越来越猜不透了。The enigma was more impenetrable than ever.

它可以突破看上去难以逾越的屏障。It can pass through seemingly impenetrable barriers.

爱情总昰这样,让秂琢磨丆透。Love always the case, let Ren pondering impenetrable.

这儿,金发变成了铁石心肠和不可捉摸的智慧的代名词。Here, blonde morphs into steely resolve and impenetrable intellect.

一①个女人一①首歌,大海,锦绣但很琢磨不透!A woman like a poem, the ocean is beautiful and ponder impenetrable.

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她看上去就象一尊非常安详精致、但又高深莫测的狮身人面像。She was the picture of a serene and exquisite but impenetrable sphinx.

俄罗斯北方大部分地区将变成无法接近的沼泽。Much of Russia's northern region would be turned into impenetrable swamp.

为有在膝盖下方长袜破的一个洞影响了她无懈可击的整洁。Only a snag down the knee of her tights leavens her impenetrable neatness.

现在,画好了,那些稳固的舱壁是关上并紧紧锁起来的。Picture now, those impenetrable steel bulkheads closing and locking tight.

荆棘和野蔷薇蔓生,深不可测的树丛令他唯有绕道而行。Brambles and multiflora rose grew in impenetrable thickets she detoured around.

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饰演后者的埃兹拉?米勒爆发出了残忍,他的面部表情不可测知。As the latter Kevin, Ezra Miller seethes with ruthlessness, his face impenetrable.

时间的第四维是一个稳定的结构,虽然它并非不可进入。The Fourth Dimension of Time is a stable construct, though it is not impenetrable.

随着克鲁格在债务和骗局中越陷越深,他的个性变得愈发不可捉摸。As Kreuger slipped deeper into debt and deceit, his personality became impenetrable.

公司内部的法律部门昔日曾被视为密不透风的黑箱,如今这个黑箱已被开启。The internal legal function, once seen as an impenetrable black box, has been opened up.

但是,好像她周围有一种难以逾越的障碍——就像被汤姆密封了起来。But there seemed to be an impenetrable barrier around her—as if she was sealed away by Tom.

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只有火葬用的柴堆发出的可怕火焰才会照亮难以渗透的黑暗。The impenetrable darkness was illumined only by the terrible flames of the cremation pyres.

你望一颗星,有两个动机,因为它是发光的,又因为它是望不透的。You look at a star for two reasons, because it is luminous, and because it is impenetrable.

对克里姆特来说,生命之迷是不可琢磨的,连弗洛依德本人也感觉到艺术将会是涵义模糊的。The mysteries of life to Klimt were impenetrable and Freud himself found art to be ambiguous.