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她是强生公司的女继承人。She's an heiress to the Johnson & Johnson fortune.

强盗劫持了女继承人并向她索取赎金。The robber abduct the heiress and hold her to ransom.

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布鲁尼出生于意大利,是一家知名轮胎制造厂的财产继承人。Bruni was born in Italy and is the heiress to a tyre manufacturing fortune.

荣登此榜的英国名人还包括女演员蒂尔达·斯文顿和豪门女继承人杰迈玛·可汗。Other Brits in the list include actress Tilda Swinton and heiress Jemima Khan.

法官判定这位酒店继承人重返监狱服完45天的刑期。A judge ordered the hotel heiress back to jail serving out her 45-day sentence.

一位澳大利亚富有的女继承人打赌,让一位英国国教牧师把一个玻璃教堂运送到400公里外的地点。An Australian heiress bets an Anglican priest he can't move a glass church 400km.

她只有一个女儿,──也就是罗新斯的继承人,将来可以继承到非常大的一笔遗产呢。She has one only daughter, the heiress of Rosings, and of very extensive property.

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杨慧妍,是去年位列财富榜首的地产大亨女继承人,如今是最大的输家。Yang Huiyuan, the property heiress who topped last year's list, is the biggest loser.

她从父亲——欧莱雅集团的创始人那里继承了巨额财产。Makeup heiress inherited fortune from her father, the founder of cosmetic giant L'Oreal.

去年的中国首富、房地产业女继承人杨惠妍是今年损失最惨重的富豪。Last year's wealthiest person, real estate heiress Yang Huiyan, is this year's biggest loser.

要从一座大型购物中心中中救出一个还不知道自己将要继承巨额财产的名媛,你认为我们会吗?Rescued from a shopping mall, heiress with a little girl's soul. Do you think we'll make the papers?

同时迪克森坚持称,除了班房的“快进快出服务”以外,希尔顿走的是和普通的案件一样的程序。Dixon insisted that the heiress was still subjected to normal booking procedures despite the speedy entrance and exit.

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其次便是帕丽斯•希尔顿,今年,这位豪门女星因在缓刑期违规驾驶而入狱三周。She was followed on the list by heiress Paris Hilton who spent three weeks in jail this year on a probation violation.

我听说过一个故事,一位纽约女继承人的前夫抢走了她的儿子,并把他藏在了中东某个地方。I heard one story about the son of a New York heiress who was snatched by his father and taken somewhere in the Middle East.

“动物人道主义协会”说,希尔顿在看了一盘揭露皮毛贸易的录像带之后,把她的貂皮大衣,狐狸毛领和栗鼠呢大衣统统收了起来。PETA says the heiress ditched her mink coats, fox collars and chinchilla trim after watching a video expose of the fur trade.

在“尼罗河惨案”中,林奈·里厅韦是一大笔财产的年轻美丽的继承人,但她有很多敌人。In "Death on the Nile", Linet Ridgeway is the young and beautiful heiress to an immense fortune, but she has a lot of enemies.

在一个满天星星的圣诞节前夕,雪轻柔地飘落,绚丽的礼物在一位身着祖母绿长裙的女继承人的膝上等待着。Glorious gifts await on the lap of the emerald-gowned heiress who sits beneath the softly falling snow on a starry Christmas Eve.

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成为一名游艇的甲板水手后,他和老板35岁的宝贝千金莎拉-里斯雷相识了。He managed to land a job as a deck hand on one of Risley's yachts, where he was introduced to his daughter and heiress Sarah, 35.

这对夫妇结婚的消息引起很大争议,因为Ethel是当时美国共和党里显赫的杜邦家族的女继承人。The news of the couple's engagement sparked controversy, as Ethel was an heiress to one of the nation's prominent Republican families.

名人继承人巴黎希。尔顿酒后驾车指控保释再犯,将被拘留45天。Celebrity heiress Paris Hilton has been jailed for 45 days after being found guilty of violating her probation for a drink-driving conviction.