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不知道你的血色素指标是多少?You do not know how much of hemoglobin targets?

请等一下你的血红蛋白化验结果。Please wait for the result of your hemoglobin test.

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其颜色来自血红蛋白。Hemoglobin gives the cell-and whole blood-its colour.

血色素开始上升,贫血现象开始缓解。Hemoglobin start to rise and anemia phenomenon began to ease.

在红细胞中,血红蛋白负责运输氧气。Hemoglobin is the oxygen-carrying component of the red blood cells.

正常血红蛋白的基因序列是这样的,CCTGAGGAGIf you have normal hemoglobin you have this sequence here, CCTGAGGAG.

可有带有试管的血色素测量机构或卡。There may be a hemoglobin measurement mechanism or card with a cuvette.

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利奥先生被允许转入肠胃科病房。他的血红素偏低。Mr. Leo is admitted to the gastrointestinal ward. His hemoglobin is low.

看来肝并没有把血红蛋白分解成胆色素。The liver, it seemed, was not breaking up the hemoglobin to bile pigment.

在NF3暴露停止后,高铁血红蛋白转化回血红素。At the cessation of NF3exposure, methemoglobin reverts back to hemoglobin.

脱氧是加进同氧的亲和力比铁更大的元素来实现的。Their hemoglobin is both in high content, but also in high oxygen affinity.

在合适的条件下,血红蛋白解离成四个亚基。Under appropriate conditions, hemoglobin dissociates into its four subunits.

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采用斑点印迹法观察黑色普氏菌能否与人血红蛋白结合。Dot blot assay was adopted to observe the binding of hemoglobin by P. nigrescens.

目的了解正常孕期糖基化血红蛋白值的正常值。Objective To understand the normal value of glycosylated hemoglobin in pregnancy.

主要终点是糖化血红蛋白水平较基线时的变化。The primary end point was the change from the baseline glycated hemoglobin level.

血红蛋白是人体内负责输送氧气的红细胞中的蛋白质。Hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells that delivers oxygen to your tissues.

HU值与血栓中的血红蛋白含量呈线性相关关系。The HU count showed a linear correlation of the hemoglobin content of the thrombi.

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例如血球细胞中的血红素,其独特的红色便是由血色素所造成。The heme of the hemoglobin in blood cells gives them their characteristic red hue.

镰状细胞贫血病是由于血细胞携带了一种突变的血红蛋白导致的紊乱。Sickle cell disease is a disorder in which blood cells carry a mutation in hemoglobin.

遗传先祖能否解释非洲裔美国人糖化血红素的值较高?Does Genetic Ancestry Explain Higher Values of Glycated Hemoglobin in African Americans?