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例子太多,举不胜举。Examples are too many to cite.

不要引用个人的问题。Don't cite personality problems.

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我能简短地引用另一个例子吗?Can I cite another example briefly?

让我举一些延安的例子。Let me cite a few examples from Yenan.

你能举出另一个像这样的例子吗?Can you cite another case like this one?

我可以举出好几件事来说明。I can cite quite a few instances to illustrate.

这里我想拿自己的亲身经历作为例证。I’d like to cite my own experience as an example.

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魔鬼也会引证<圣经>来为自己辩护。The devil can cite scripture for his own perpose.

布莱克可以举出许多令人难忘的案例。Brekke can cite many cases of remarkable spin-offs.

如果必须用到原文,需要引用表述。If you must use the words of the author, cite them.

她能说出许多无限期分居案例的案卷摘要。She can cite a docket of cases of endless separation.

你也需要引用参考来获得信息的可靠性。You’ll also need to cite references to gain credibility.

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这样的实例举不胜举。It would be an endless task to cite such living examples.

还有其他道德上的问题,让我引用一个例子。Other ethical issues, let me cite one that comes in light.

这是个有力的论点,但是半个世界都能以此为借口。That is a strong argument, but half the world can cite it.

事实上,吸烟者常常把压力作为复吸的理由。In fact, smokers often cite stress as a reason for relapsing.

律师要援引律条支持自己的观点。Lawyers should cite legal articles to support their own ideas.

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他不断引用该文章作为自己研究合法性的证据。He continues to cite the article as evidence of his legitimacy.

很多人援引罗马尼亚的经历来批评跨国收养。Many critics of inter-country adoption cite experiences in Romania.

在其他许多领域,也都存在这种凭空“制造工作机会”的做法。One could go on to cite such make-work practices in many other fields.