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第三、用木尖调整好框的水平垂直度。Level third, with wooden tip verticality adjusting well frame.

我震惊了,身后是残酷垂直着的城市。It was a shock after the relentless verticality of the city behind me.

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垂直分化呈现与潮汐水位线一致的相关关系。The verticality differentiation presents the same relation with the tide.

我自己也认为做垂直性的行业门户网站是有前途的。Myself also thinks the website of trade family status that does verticality has an outlook.

在柱状零件计算机视觉检测的应用中,经常需要对其进行垂直度的检测。The verticality of cylinder is often inspected in the application of computer vision inspection.

其实我也偷了一个懒,选择垂直性专业的领域我可以少做很多工作。Actually I also stole lazy, I can make the field that chooses verticality major less a lot of jobs.

立式铣床主轴与工作台面的垂直度会影响孔的圆柱度。The verticality of vertical milling machine spindle and the worktable can affect hole cylindricity.

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这一目标的平衡和垂直度在前面的分帧是容易实现的很少的努力。The goal of balance and verticality in the front sub-frame is readily achievable with little effort.

带式输送机的输送带在工作运行过程中会产生弹性变形,并在托辊间引起垂度变化。Elasticity deformation of belt can be produced during operation and cause verticality change of roller.

为了处理可能出现的偏差,液压装置的垂直下方每个成员都调整垂直的网格。To handle possible deflections, hydraulic devices below each vertical member are tuning the verticality of the grid.

垂直度检测在高层建筑施工的竖向控制中十分重要。Checking and measuring the verticality is very important in the vertical control of high-rise building const ruction.

从人类的经验,垂直度的概念已经没有任何关系的健康,意识,情感,品质和美德。Out of human experience, the concept of verticality has no relation to health, consciousness, emotion, quality, and virtue.

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当天会议的大部分时间充塞着干巴巴的报告,诸如“垂直恢复关联”和“私人实施法律的未来”。Most of the day was filled with dry presentations like "Verticality Regains Relevance" and "The Future of Private Enforcement."

钢柱的定位控制采用从地面基础轴线开始,先调整标高,再调整位移,最后调整垂直度的方法。Besides, location control of steel column is started from floor basic axis, adjusting elevation and displacement to verticality.

市场多平面扩张而缺乏纵向构建,导致市场经济运作的一种不良状态------“市场浅化”。The market expanded horizontality but not verticality led a bad state to the moving of economy, which I name as market superficiality.

迂回贯通的走廊增加了空间纵深感,使人对原本一直头痛的面积局限产生了怀疑。The roundabout corridors enhance the verticality of the apartments and make people doubtful of the ever limited area of the apartments.

通过讨论,指出了三棱镜精度的主要标志是垂直度误差的提法不妥。Inappropriate formulation, Which the main mark of the precision of triangular prism is the verticality error, is corrected by discussion.

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电梯导轨垂直度是电梯安全、舒适运行的一项重要性能指标,对电梯导轨垂直度的测量贯穿于电梯安装和维护的整个阶段。Verticality is one of the most important parameters of elevator's guide rail, which is directly related to elevator's safety and comfort.

正是这种多音色的组合和交织构成了它们在纵、横向上的“点状”音色效果。It is the combination and intertexture of the multi timbres that make up of pointillism timber effect in either verticality or horizontality.

由于发动机输油泵体内孔加工要确保两孔的孔距精度及孔与平面的垂直度要求,一般夹具难以保证。The formal jig could not meet the need of processing accuracy because of high requirement of holes distance and verticality of hole and surface.