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现在流行文化中的偶像都是些四肢发达,头脑简单的家伙。Nowadays, pop-culture icons are more brawn than brain.

魔鬼练习让良多人膂力不支。The devil exercises help greatly people hypodynamic brawn.

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但是如果塑料既能干“脑力活”与能干“体力活”该怎么办呢?But what if that plastic could be both the brains and the brawn?

“FOTA已经做出的决定”布朗车队的经理说。"The decision has been made by FOTA, " said the Brawn team boss.

四肢发达头脑简单的他相信自己可以轻易获得任何人的心只要他愿意。All brawn and no brains, Ash believes that he can get anyone he wants.

但菲利普也知道,统治者必须智勇双全。But Philip also knows that a ruler has to have brains as well as brawn.

我心里抖一抖,面部肌肉顿时处于瘫痪状态。My in the mind shudders, the face brawn is placed in to paralyze status.

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车队增加了一块竖直的小翼,这非常类似于布朗的BGP001赛车。An additional vertical element was added, very similar to the Brawn BGP001.

车队CEO尼克弗莱在上周末表示,所有的目光都会聚焦在WMSC会议上。Brawn CEO Nick Fry said at the weekend that all eyes were on the WMSC meeting.

回到学校后又得忍耐膂力极限的辛劳停止补课。Back to school after must endure brawn limit of toil stop makes up a missed lesson.

当强壮的肌肉男不符合招聘条件时,女性通常表现更佳。When brawn was off the list of job requirements, women often measured up better than men.

这使我想起上投注了许多的赌场,“布朗的第三车手伍尔兹表示框。"It reminded me of betting on a number in the casino, " Brawn third driver Alex Wurz told ORF.

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本田一级方程式比赛的技术经理罗斯.布朗承认,对于他的雇员来说,现在是一个艰难的时期。Honda's Formula One technical manager Ross Brawn concedes it is a difficult time for his staff.

一场无敌的复出经历,令每个人对罗斯·布朗在过去几个月里的运营管理能力心存敬畏。The sensational comeback has left everybody in awe of what Brawn has managed over the past months.

诸君之祖先曾以大无畏之精神,冒不可思议之困难,筚路褴褛以开发一新大陆。Their brawn and thews braved undauntedly almost unbelievable hardships to open up a new continent.

一个命运的转折,今年布朗车队的一位车手本应该是尼克·海菲尔德。With a little twist of fate, the man at the wheel of a Brawn this year could have been Nick Heidfeld.

这使相当困难安装物,“车队老板罗斯布朗告诉记者上周五在雪邦。"That makes it quite difficult to install KERS , " team boss Ross Brawn told reporters at Sepang on Friday.

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文彦通知高虹本人要保存膂力继续去寻觅姗姗,他心里依然保存一丝希望。WenYan notice GaoHong I want to save brawn continue to search the SAN SAN, his heart still save a glimmer of hope.

巴里切罗在赛后表示车队为我们展示了怎样毁掉了一场比赛。你对此做何感想?Q. Rubens Barrichello said after the race that Brawn GP showed today how to lose a race. What is your reaction to that?

斯莱特林策略通常表现为爱好肌肉胜于技巧,他们对使用肮脏的伎俩和欺骗从不犹豫。Slytherin strategy often appears to favor brawn over skill, and they will not hesitate to use dirty tricks or cheating.