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或积极寻找快乐?Or actively seeking pleasure?

安第斯山脉正在拔高。The Andes are actively growing.

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你可以积极地和你的思想争论。You can actively argue with your mind.

积极的征求好的或者不好的反馈。Actively solicit good and bad feedback.

我们积极地抚慰自己。And that we actively comfort ourselves.

我现在已经开始积极地为6.61的更新展开工作。I'm actively working on 6.61 right now.

积极培育志愿服务队伍。It will actively foster volunteer teams.

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她积极支持我们的计划。She is actively identified with our plans.

冷空气快速地潜入到暖空气下面。Cold air is actively burrowing under warm air.

与流动水相关或是住在流动的水中。Relating to or living in actively moving water.

她积极地参与课堂讨论。She actively participates in class discussions.

如果你想成为更好的宣贯,积极帮助!If you want HBL to become better, actively help!

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第三,积极开拓新的合作领域。Third, actively explore new areas of cooperation.

它们活跃地分解脂肪化合物和类脂。They actively break down fat compounds and lipids.

比赛开始后,我们两个队都踢得很积极。When the game started, both of us played actively.

因此高中三年积极担任学艺。Therefore actively served as high school three years.

积极运筹与主要大国关系。Actively promoting relations with the major countries.

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他们积极为他们的项目招收新会员。They actively recruit new affiliates to their program.

老洪等人则积极的开始挖掘水井通道。Old people who are actively began to dig wells channel.

我们的出资方积极地参与到项目之中。Our stakeholders are actively involved with the project.