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历史中有一切治国之道。In history lies all the secrets of statecraft.

经世致用是儒学的传统。Emphasizing statecraft is a tradition of Confucianism.

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这是一个在政治经济中显示管理本领的时刻。This is a moment for statecraft in the political economy.

经世致用之说是清初学术的主干。Statecraft represented the intellectual mainstream in the early Qing.

谭嗣同喜“为驰骋不羁之文,讲霸王经世之略”。Tan Hi "to ride the unruly text, speaking slightly Overlord statecraft."

此外,中国是一个非常古老的传统国家,有一个非常古老传统的治国纲领。Moreover, this is a very old state tradition, a very old tradition of statecraft.

这股潮流可能影响到晚清的经世之学。Such a trend might even have influenced the statecraft theories of the late Qing.

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因此,我们必须继续改进并平衡各方面的力量。Therefore, we must continue to adapt and rebalance our instruments of statecraft.

然而,在几乎所有的经典作品中,确乎都能寻到一些有关治国之道的基本原则。But admirable underlying principles of statecraft can be found in nearly all classic texts.

这就叫权术,只要有他在,克什米尔的自由看起来就是个危险的主意。It's statecraft. As long as he is there, freedom for Kashmiris will seem like a dangerous idea.

与复社社会活动形成鲜明照映的是复社的社会思想和经世学术。Corresponding with the Fu She social activity was the social thought and the statecraft academic.

而学术体系中的经学、史学成绩皆有着深刻的经世内涵。And the Confucianism and history in the academic system all had profoundly statecraft connotation.

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但是,民族国家,作为治理国家技巧的基础,掩饰了最严重地危害人权的实质。But the nation-state as a basis for statecraft obscures the nature of humanity's greatest threats.

然而,这需要资金外加某种欧洲政治缺乏的治国才能。Yet this requires money and moreover statecraft of a kind that has gone awol from European politics.

为此,我们需要建立能力,以推行我们在国务院称之为21世纪外交方略的规划。To do that, we need to develop our capacity for what we call, at the State Department, 21st century statecraft.

什么样的特质是正直政治家所应具备的风范,权术又如何,独善于其它类型的活动呢?What are the qualities necessary for sound statesmanship? How does statecraft ? differ from other kinds of activities?

他们提供权术的实质教育,教导我们如何谈判,精确的如同亚里士多德,希望我们所能达致的程度。They provide a virtual education in statecraft in how to negotiate affairs in precisely the way Aristotle would have us do.

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我们今天采取的国策承认,过去的15年颠覆了几百年的国际惯例和先例。Our statecraft today recognizes that centuries of international practice and precedent have been overturned in the past 15 years.

采臣希望赤霞使用玄光术找寻采君,所以暂且放下礼数规条帮忙赤霞以长布扎胸。Mining minister hopes to use red chardonnay XuanGuang find jun, so put down statecraft rules help chek chardonnay with long cloth chest.

我还曾说中国的领导层将很快进入学习曲线的下游,并实践更微妙的治国之道。Now, I had also assumed that China's leadership would quickly move down the learning curve and practice a more subtle form of statecraft.