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尼诺开始在曼陀林上胡乱弹奏。Nino began strumming on the mandolin.

倚着曼陀林,蟋蟀在鸣唱。My cricket chirps against thy mandolin.

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是啾啾的蟋蟀在跟你的琵琶应和!My cricket chirps against thy mandolin.

没人弹了曼陀林象我的父亲。Nobody played the mandolin like my father.

她演奏曼陀林非常出色。She plays the mandolin superlatively well.

她演奏曼陀林非常出色。She plays the mandolin superlatively well.

爸爸再从未会弹曼陀林为我们。Dad would never play the mandolin for us again.

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他们用曼陀林或者小提琴的回声彼此交谈。They talk to each other with echoes of a mandolin or violin.

我爱唱歌,但我从未学会了怎么弹曼陀林。I loved to sing, but I never learned how to play the mandolin.

是那种侏儒才会喜欢跟着舞蹈的曼陀林音乐吗?That really crappy mandolin music that midgets enjoy dancing to?

在这里,她唱歌和戏剧明星班卓琴与曼陀林球员贝拉斑点。Here, she sings and plays mandolin with star banjo player Bela Fleck.

在这里,她唱歌和戏剧明星班卓琴与曼陀林球员贝拉斑点。Here, she sings and plays mandolin with star banjo player Bela Fleck.

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有时候,父亲会拿出曼陀林,为家人弹奏。Occasionally, Dad would get out his mandolin and play for the family.

他担任钢琴手,给了吉他和曼陀林的经验教训。He worked as a piano player and gave lessons in the guitar and mandolin.

他能接触您的灵魂以从那老曼陀林出来的口气。He could touch your soul with the tones that came out of that old mandolin.

她弹吉他等乐器,包括曼陀林和班卓琴。She plays the guitar and other instruments, including the mandolin and banjo.

帕格尼尼是第一次在曼陀林和7岁然后小提琴发挥。Paganini was first given a mandolin and then at the age of 7 a violin to play.

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大约在父亲去世的一周前,我们请求他能否为我们弹奏曼陀林,他说了很多借口,最后还是答应了。About a week before his death, we asked Dad if he would play the mandolin for us.

他是一个两班卓琴和吉他演奏家,并在曼陀林有琵琶记录。He was a virtuoso on both banjo and guitar, and also recorded on mandolin and lute.

这是美国Shrinivas,在印度古典音乐技巧的音乐家谁扮演曼陀林。Here is U. Shrinivas, a skilled musician in Indian classical music who plays the mandolin.