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演示者陈诉一个提案。A presenter states the proposal.

她成为“新BNN主持人”。She became "The new BNN presenter".

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现在我要介绍第一位演讲人。And now I’ll introduce the first presenter.

卡娜莉斯做过模特、演员和主持人。Canalis is a model, actress, and presenter.

一个好的电视主持人应该具备的品质有哪些?What is essencial to be a good TV presenter?

其中,陈学文更荣获最佳演讲员大奖。In addition, Cliff Chan won the Best Presenter Award.

克里斯·派克汉姆是自然主义者,生态节目Autumnwatch主持人。Chris Packham is a naturalist and presenter of Autumnwatch

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一部分观众想要看到钢琴演奏者和演示者。Part of your audience wants to see the pianist and presenter.

小组练习,根据每句提示词试复述文章。Listen to the passage and repeat it. Try to be the TV presenter.

推荐者走遍世界参观了所有主要的首都。The presenter went round theworld visiting allthemajor capitals.

现在王俊研已经是环球电视台新闻节目的主持人。Now Wang Junyan is the presenter for Universe TV's news programmes.

奎尔奇教授是世界级的专家和杰出的演说家。Professor Quelch is a world-class expert and an excellent presenter.

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芮成刚,中央电视台著名主持人,毕业于中国外交学院。Rui Chenggang is a well-known presenter on China Central Television.

拜力克对自己的新角色很高兴。The presenter is pleautomotive service engineersd with her new role.

北野武,日本著名电影导演、演员、电视节目主持人。Takeshi Kitano, a famous Japanese film director, actor, TV presenter.

周六有一次彩排,每位演员都会单独出现。On Saturday there is a rehearsal, and every single presenter shows up.

他是一个作家和演讲家,是开源社区的活跃分子。He's a writer, presenter and active member of the open source community.

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周日的时候,你是奥斯卡的颁奖人之一,你紧张吗?On Sunday, you were one of the presenter at the Oscars. Were you nervous?

节目主持人林海高呼,“他把这项记录抓在了中国人手中!”"He's brought the record into Chinese hands!" presenter Lin Hai exclaimed.

坦诚是一种让你成为一个更有影响力的演讲家的方法。Being honest is a method which allows your to be a more effective presenter.