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联盟23S“奥林巴斯”号停靠在空间站的最下端。Soyuz 23S, "Olympus" docked to the nadir side of the Space Station.

联盟23S“奥林巴斯”号停靠在空间站的最下端。Soyuz 23S, “Olympus” docked to the nadir side of the Space Station.

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在阿富汗首都喀布尔的纳底尔汗山坡上,一名男子准备放风筝。A man prepares to fly his kite on Nadir Khan hill in Kabul April 6, 2007.

这个小旅游地区里,食草动物在全球处于最低点。This little-travelled region may represent the global nadir for herbivores.

商业用电量在最高峰时是最低点是的四倍。Commercial usage is as much as three times higher at its peak than at its nadir.

在治疗过程和血细胞计数中,“谷值”这个术语可能会被用到。During a course of treatment and blood-cell measurements, the term "nadir" may be used.

在景气最低迷时,他必须把产业卖掉搬回去和父母住。At the nadir of recession, he had to sell his property and move into his parents' house.

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这场比赛是政治避险的最低的或者是是顶点,取决于一个人的观点。The race was either the nadir or the zenith of high jinks politics, depending on one's point of view.

对英国王室的支持,从戴安娜王妃逝世后达到最低位起现在已经有了小幅重新增长。There has been a small regrowth in royalist support since the nadir following Princess Diana's death.

纽约市和州的税收将下降,并且会触及今年的最低点,他说。The decline in revenue collections for the city and state will likely reach its nadir this year, he said.

那么干嘛不趁着美国经济衰退的最低点到一个最不景气的城市去呢?Why not move to one of the most economically depressed cities in America during the nadir of a recession?

‘Cupola’,附着在空间站的最底侧,让我们能看到我们美丽星球的全景。The ‘Cupola’, attached to the nadir side of the Space Station, gives a panoramic view of our beautiful planet.

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在80年代中期有过一些试图开放经济的尝试,但是整体政策在1991年彻底陷入麻烦中。Some attempts were made to liberalise the economy in the mid-Eighties but the whole system hit its nadir in 1991.

可能会在她提到作为巴努•纳迪尔部落首领的女儿时的早期生活中发现。The answer may be found in what she has related of her early life as the daughter of the chief of the Banu Nadir.

托雷斯打进第四粒进球,13分钟之后贝尔哈吉为庞贝打进安慰的一球。Torres added a fourth for Liverpool 13 minutes from time before Nadir Belhadj netted a late consolation for Pompey.

低谷出现在1991年。当时,走向末日的苏联突然断绝了对附庸国的援助。In this catalogue of crassness, the nadir came in 1991 when the dying Soviet Union abruptly pulled the plug on its clients.

Nadir承认,英国的市场环境“比预计中要困难”,但该公司对其目前所处的“不错的排名”表示满意。Nadir admits the UK marketplace is “more difficult than we expected” but the company is happy to have reached its current “good position”.

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不过,与先前的研究相比,当血清25D出现季节性最低点时,血清PTH平均水平的变化较为不显著。In contrast to previous studies, however, the change in mean serum PTH levels at the time of the seasonal nadir of serum 25D was less pronounced.

最糗的一次是和葡萄牙比赛7比0落败,这一事件竟然被北韩异乎寻常的从电视直播中被抹掉了。The nadir was the crushing 7-0 defeat to Portugal that in a highly unusual move by North Korea's totalitarian government was broadcast live on TV.

主卧和主卫的斜屋顶最低点都是定制了老榆木储藏柜,保证居室整体风格的协调。Advocate lie and advocate defended inclined housetop nadir is custom-built ark of deposit of old Yu wood, assure the harmony of bedroom whole style.