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一丝愁影就这样,轻易滑落眼底,那种凉凉的秋意。Worried the shade like this, easily falls the eyeground , that kind of cool autumn chill.

血管畸形、视网膜出血或剥离、视神经病变、眼底病变。Vessel deformity, retinal hemorrhage or decollement, optic nerve lesion, or eyeground lesion.

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本文研究了基于计算机图像处理技术的眼底视盘图像的自动分割方法。This paper is about the problem of segmentation of eyeground optic disk image, based on method of computer image processing.

术后每日直接检眼镜观察眼底,并分别于术后的第1、2、4、8、12、16周对兔眼移植区作光镜检查。The eyeground was detected directly and with light microscope detection with transplantation area at 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 16 weeks.

目的观察维持性血液透析患者眼底病变状况,分析其发生率高的可能相关因素。Objective To observe the eyeground pathological changes in maintenance hemodialysis patients, and to analyse the possible related factors of its high incidence.

对糖尿病性眼底出血辨治、病因、病机、辨证分型、方药、治疗等作了详细的论述。The paper discusses in detail the syndrome differentiation and treatment, pathogens syndrome type classification, prescriptions and drugs of diabetic eyeground bleeding.

当你睡着的时候,你的心儿又像醒着一样感受着期望着,时间像昨夜朦胧的梦一样悄悄的、悄悄的从你惺忪的双眼里飘过、淡去。When you are sleeping, then your soul appears awake, tasting, waiting, involving in a pastel dreamland, with time gliding through your eyeground , stealthily and stealthily.

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本文乃就此六个病例,加以分析其糖尿病被延迟发现的可能原因。We discuss the probable reasons of late diagnosis, and suggest that middle-aged people should be under surveillance of their serum sugar and eyeground during routine physical check-up.

老年黄斑变性是一种严重威胁老年人视功能的眼底疾病,针对其危险因素及早期诊断,国内外展开了大量的研究。Age-related Macular Degeneration is an eyeground disease, which severely threat the elder people. There are many researches on its risk factors and early diagnoses both at home and abroad.

为了动态地观测眼底显微图像,为了便于进行图像处理,眼底电视或摄录兼容已成为眼底照相机近年来的一个重要发展方向。For dynamical observation of eyeground micrograph and image manipulation, eyeground television or compatibility of telegraph and kinescope has developed into one of the key area of eyeground camera.