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他说是因为特别喜欢萨迦班智达的著作。He said it was because he really enjoys reading Sakya Pandita's writings.

释提桓因与诸天女。昼夜三时来下供养。Sakya King and all Heavenly girls come down to do offering three times day and night.

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比较远的寺庙可以乘三轮车过去,从中华寺到萨迦寺那一带是15卢比。路上也有妇女在卖菱角。Rickshaws can be hired to go around. From Chinese Temple to Sakya Monastery costs 15 Rupee.

因缘巧合的,我又走进一座萨迦的寺庙,而且大概是这一带唯一的一座。It turned out that I stepped into the only Sakya monastery in this region. Felt really blessed.

在这法座上,萨迦班智达和诸多伟大的萨迦法王都曾坐在上面讲法。So on this throne Sakya Pandita and many of the great Sakya Gongma Lamas sat and expounded the Dharma.

萨迦派到公元13世纪即中原社会进入元朝时,发展成为具有强大政治势力的教派。When Yuan rule spread into the Central Plains of China in the 13th century, the Sakya sect gained immense political power.

到了八思巴的萨迦王朝统治全藏时,藏历完全成熟了,过年的仪式也固定下来,一直沿袭到现在。Pagba the Sakya dynasty of Tibet, the Tibetan fully mature, the New Year has also fixed the ceremony has been followed until now.

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一天晚上,萨迦天津法王在甘托克巴扎附近的时候,一些弟子们过来催促他马上去钦哲仁波切的寝宫。One night, when Sakya Trizin was staying down at the Gangtok Bazaar, some disciples came and urged him to come to the Palace Gompa quickly.

对于一些自称是萨迦寺喇嘛,也建议您不要施舍,真正的萨迦寺喇嘛,有很多,会出来乞讨。For some claiming to be Sakya lama, also recommends that you do not want charity, the real Sakya Lama, there are many, will come out to beg.

我有很多的偏好。萨迦派有五位祖师或者说是萨迦传承中的大成就者持明者或大师。I have lots of preference. In the Sakyapa tradition, there are five sort of founding father or the mahasiddha or the vidhyadhara or the master of the Sakya lineage.

萨迦派从宋末明初就传入青海,如今青海省境内的萨迦派寺院主要分布在玉树州东部地区。The Sakya school of Tibetan Buddhism entered Qinghai in the late Song early Ming period. Today, most of Qinghai s Sakya monasteries are located in eastern Yushu Prefecture.

在又一次祈请后,道果法的始祖、从本尊处直接得到此法的大成就者毕鲁巴显现在萨迦的山上。A third time after praying, the great mahasiddha, the guru Virupa, founder of Lam Dre teaching who received the teaching directly from the deity, appeared in the Sakya Mountains.

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萨迦佛学院的学生们赶去尼泊尔参加阿贝仁波切的荼毗大典之后,又风尘仆仆地赶回来接法。It is said that those Sakya College students went all the way to Nepal for Appey Rinpoche's cremation ceremony and then rushed back again for the remaining part of the teachings.

在萨迦派最有趣的事情是该教派不相信轮回,僧人戴红色、莲花状僧冠,穿着红色袈裟。The most interesting thing in Sakya sect is that the sect do not believe in reincarnation and the head of Sakya sect will wear white cassock and also marry and give birth to children.