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别人休息时你学习。Study while others aare sleeping.

这四件行李都是你们的吗?AAre these four pieces all your luggage?

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你今天为什么喝这么多咖啡。Why aare you drinking so much coffee today?

当我们的头埋入水下时,我们仍能听到声音。We can still hear sounds while our heads aare under water.

常能钓着点儿啥么,就这么着阿勒河中间来条小船?Do you usually catch anything here , smack in the middle of the Aare?

在瑞士伯尔尼炎热的夏日,游泳者正在享受着阿尔河。Bathers enjoy the river Aare during a hot summer day in Bern, Switzerland.

你开玩笑吧?你没看见那里有很多人吗?就在你右边。AAre you kidding? Don't you see many people over there? Just on your right.

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本体为铝合金件,其余为热镀锌钢制件。The body is aluminium alloy, the other parts aare hot-dip galvanized steel.

在伯尔尼一个炎热的夏天人们在阳光下躺在阿勒河河岸上,瑞士。People lay in the sun on the shore of the river Aare during a hot summer day in Bern, Switzerland.

在筑炉前,对硅砖进行切、磨时,有时发现砖的内部有裂纹。The inner cracks of silicon brick aare sometimes discovered during grinding and cutting of brick before masonry.

天然胡萝卜蜜营养饮料是采用天然胡萝卜汁和蜂蜜通过生物技术而制成的高级保健营养饮料。The nutritious natural carrot boney juice is a kind of super health aare beverage produced by using bio-technique.

还有人往阿勒河里扎猛子,游到筋疲力尽,便躺在河边厚厚的草上吟诗诵赋。Others dive in the Aare. After swimming until exhausted, they lie in the thick grass along the river and read poetry.

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自己琢磨着安娜晚饭都做了些什么。他看着窗外小街那边一条银色的船正在夕阳中闪闪。He wonders what Anna has cooked for dinner and looks down a side street where a silver boat on the Aare glints in the low sun.

伯尔尼古城于公元12世纪建在阿勒河环绕的山丘上,古城几百年来不断发展进步,但城市的规划理念却始终如一。Founded in the 12th century on a hill site surrounded by the Aare river, Berne developed over the centuries in line with a an exceptionally coherent planning concept.