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三月份的大部分时间我们在春耕。We spent most of March ploughing.

春耕闹得正欢。Spring ploughing is in full swing.

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他们正在忙着春耕。They are busy with spring ploughing.

翻地前所有的杂草都被烧光了。The weeds were scorched before ploughing.

告诉你,你是在白费力气。I tell you that you are ploughing the sand.

修好农具准备春耕。Repair farm tools to prepare for spring ploughing.

春天到了,我们正忙于春耕。Spring is here and we are busy with spring ploughing.

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到明天他们应该犁完南边的一块地。They ought to finish ploughing the south field by tomorrow.

就这样他们及时完成了他们的秋耕任务。Thus they managed to finish their autumn ploughing in time.

那农民地时挖出一个人类的头颅骨。The farmer turned up a human skull while ploughing the field.

在这个方面,监管者的表现与以往如出一辙。In this regard regulators are ploughing the same furrow as before.

他们想法在霜冻前赶紧完成秋耕工作。They were trying to rush through the autumn ploughing before the frost.

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但是农民仍然忙于为下一个春耕做准备。But the peasants are still busy preparing for the next spring ploughing.

在这个本应“犁耙水响”的春耕时节,大地以一道道伤痕诉说对水的渴望。In this spring ploughing time, the dry earth desire for water very much.

孩子们开始犁田了小麦领域种植玉米他们。The boys began ploughing up the wheat-fields to plant them over in corn.

用马耕作的现象在贫苦农民中仍然十分盛行。The use of horese for ploughing still prevails among the poorer farmers.

经过深耕的要领,土地的生产率可以大地面进步。By ploughing deep, the productivity of the soil can be greatly increased.

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穿着高统靴艰难地在深雪里前进,最终我到了农庄的住宅。Ploughing through the deep snow in my high boots,I finally reached the farmhouse.

从船头到船尾,这艘船呈现出一条龙乘风破浪生动形象。From stem to stern, the boat presents a vivid image of a dragon ploughing the waves.

是以秋种的土壤应该深于春天犁地。Therefore the autumn ploughing of the soil should be deeper than the spring ploughing.