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重新签署组件。Re-sign the assembly.

SCA装配模型V1.0SCA Assembly Model V1.0

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装配的最后阶段。Last stages of assembly.

什麽是社务行政会议?What is a club assembly?

关闭程序集文件。Closes the assembly file.

这一栋是装配用的。This one is for assembly.

那么为什么不学汇编语言呢?Why not learn Assembly then?

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打开装配图。Open up the assembly diagram.

与会者庄重地一致同意。The assembly assented gravely.

精灵和人类的群众啊!O ye assembly of Jinns and men!

看组装程序图。See the assembly process plans.

已经建起了装配流水作业线。Assembly lines have been set up.

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我们每星期一有晨会。We have an assembly every Monday.

不能使用放射状编法…A radial assembly can not be used.

它们在一起的组合叫燃料棒。The assembly is called a fuel rod.

我带你去看看装配车间。I'll show you to the assembly shop.

我带你们去看看我们的装配车间。I'll take you to the assembly shop.

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保存组装关系图内容。Save the assembly diagram contents.

将仪表板安装在保险杆组合上。Install fascia onto bumper assembly.

保存并关闭装配图。Save and close the assembly diagram.