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积极扩大居民消费需求。We will energetically expand consumer demand.

积极发展文化、体育事业。We energetically developed culture and sports.

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某种程度上从能量上看膨胀是不利的。In some sense it's less favorable energetically.

他跳得如此投入,以至于浑身是汗。He danced so energetically he was covered in sweat.

格蕾琴费劲地嚼着那块带软骨的牛排。Gretchen chewed energetically on the gristled steak.

积极发展社会福利事业。We will energetically develop social welfare programs.

他虽然上了年纪,干起活来跟年轻人的劲头一样大。Old as he is, he works as energetically as young people.

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积极发展创业风险投资。We will energetically develop venture capitalinvestment.

积极探索和加强庭前调解工作。Energetically exploring and strengthening court mediation.

撕破,割裂,扯裂粗暴或猛力地砍开、。To cut, tear apart, or tear away roughly or energetically.

积极发展新兴文化产业。We will energetically develop emerging cultural industries.

大力发展循环经济。We will work energetically to develop the circular economy.

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游泳者跳进水中,奋力游走了。The swimmer dived into the water and swam energetically away.

积极促进中部地区崛起。We will energetically promote the rise of the central region.

大力提高医疗卫生服务能力。We energetically improved medical and health service capacity.

关火。加入鸡蛋。一次加入一个,使劲搅拌。Take off flame. Add eggs, one at a time, stirring energetically.

政治策略指出政府必须积极参与援助。Politics dictates that governments must intervene energetically to help.

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他穿着一件咖啡色西装,以他的年龄来说,可算是动作利落,充满活力。He wore a brown suit and, for his age, moved precisely and energetically.

目前,我国正在大力进行社区宽带网络建设。At present, China is energetically building the community wide- band network.

此举如同一帖良药,使幸存者有精力工作。This acted like a healing balm , and the survivors energetically got to work.