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一段会话。It is a conversation.

私下聊天,-是。Private conversation. -Yes.

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Battelle加入谈话。Battelle joins the conversation.

音乐是一个谈话的切入点。Music is a point of conversation.

我们很容易地交谈起来。We fell easily into conversation.

和好友的一次促膝长谈。A long conversation with a friend.

你是一个以自我为中心的谈话者吗?Are You a Conversation Narcissist?

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他打断了我们的谈话。He burst in upon our conversation.

他听到了他们的谈话。He listened to their conversation.

我正在学英语会话。I'm learning English conversation.

发起一段与工作无关的对话。Strike up a non-work conversation.

他的谈话充满了能量。His conversation brims with energy.

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偷听了我们的谈话。He eavesdropped on our conversation.

他无意交谈。He was disinclined for conversation.

她告诉他那谈话内容。She told him about the conversation.

谈话转向某人。The conversation drifted to someone.

我们曾跟朋友在谈论中。We once with friend in conversation.

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谈话应当象杂技表演。Conversation should be like juggling.

只是,这是一次全英文的对话。And, it'll be an English conversation.

我觉得这是个不断发展的对话。I think it's an on-going conversation.