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我是蓝武士阿啾!I'm a blue samurai !

我曾经是一个叫“严流”的武士。I was a samurai named Ganryu.

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我曾经是一个叫“严流”的武士。And I . I was a samurai named Ganryu.

军人复仇的无声的饮泣。The Samurai silent cries for vengeance.

学习如何折一折纸武士帽。Learn how to fold an origami samurai hat.

以下是部分武士从鹰严格铃木。Here are some strict Suzuki Samurai of the eagle.

颜色的选择的灵感也是来自武士道。The choice of colors is inspired from the samurai.

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1890年,一名前日本武士在此修建了这家客栈。The inn was established in 1890 by a former samurai.

阿国,佩戴着武士刀和基督教的十字架。Okuni, wearing a samurai sword and a Christian cross.

很多厨房小变形金刚,其中一个是日本武士,难道是雾隐暗杖?Lots of kitchen bots. One was a Samurai too. Bludgeon?

而女性武士只有得到许可后才能切腹自杀。Samurai women could only commit the act with permission.

“蓝武士”有三个月的疗伤时间。The Samurai Blue have three months to lick their wounds.

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在日本,只有一个有才华的武士可以通过忍者突破。In Japan, only a talented samurai can break through the ninjas.

当地博物馆的馆长说“这就像一个武士的时代的繁盛。“It’s like a samurai boom,” says a curator at the local museum.

这里,有武士的体魄,有武士道的精神。Here you can see the physique of Bushi and their samurai spirits.

即使今天它仍然用时间-荣耀技术制造武士刀。Even today it makes samurai swords using time-honoured techniques.

他们训练有素,但是缺乏战斗技巧和武士道精神。They are well-drilled, but lack the skill and dedication of samurai.

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今年9月在日本崎玉,日本“蓝武士”1比0击败了朝鲜。And in September in Saitama, the Samurai Blue defeated North Korea 1-0.

原本柔术是古代日本武士在手无寸铁时的格斗用法。Originally Jujutsu was the method of unarmed combat of the Ancient Samurai.

我必须依照我的武士同胞的传奇,行光荣之事。I must do the honorable thing according to the legend of my samurai brethren.