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使用碳粉铁氰化钾的照片时,棕褐色色调。Use toner with ferricyanide when sepia toning photographs.

主持人是几个月之前邀请我们去晚会的那个棕黑色男生。The m.c. was the sepia boy who'd invited us to that party months back.

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波贝,柬埔寨——你可能认为奴隶制是仅见于发霉泛黑的照片里的罪恶。POIPET, Cambodia— One thinks of slavery as an evil confined to musty sepia photographs.

连续拍摄,自动包围,黑白,深褐色和其他特殊曝光模式。Continuous Shooting, Auto-Bracketing, Black & White, Sepia and other special exposure modes.

展品标签是用乌贼墨汁书写的,众多陈列柜也是原汁原味的古董。Labels are often handwritten in sepia ink and many display cases also appear to be original.

裹尸布上的这个形象,如果使用黑白摄影中的“反转”方式观看,会比在正面自然的黑白影像之下,显得更加清晰得多。The image on the shroud is much clearer in black-and-white negative than in its natural sepia color.

我在自行车的后座上拍下了这张照片,当时我还没意识到我设置了深褐色背景。As I was taking pictures from the back of the bike, I didn't realise that I had the sepia setting on.

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我甚至能感觉到本本的真皮封面在我的指间滑过,也感觉我正在它褐色纸页上书写。I could feel the leather cover between my fingers and I could imagine writing on its sepia colored pages.

如果您没有一台数码相机,您可以只落你的电影,并要求他们打印将它们赶走,作为深褐色。If you do not have a digital camera, you can just drop off your film and ask them to print them off as sepia.

餐馆的墙面漆黑,贴着旧海报,佛像和一幅酒水广告。The walls of the restaurant were sepia colored plastered with old posters Buddha sharing the wall with a liquor ad.

裂解液-超速离心法是金乌贼视神经节最佳蛋白质提取方法。The lyolysis-ultracentrifugation is a perfect approach for extracting protein in the optic ganglion of Sepia esculenta.

要将一个现代照片弄成老照片那种深褐色的样子其实狠简单,只要用刷子轻轻的把可口可乐刷在照片表面并让它迅速干燥即可。It's easy to make a modern photograph look like an old sepia one. Just lightly brush the photograph with Coca Cola and dry quickly.

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要将一个现代照片弄成老照片那种深褐色的样子其实很简单,只要用刷子轻轻的把可口可乐刷在照片表面并让它迅速干燥即可。It's easy to make a modern photograph look like an old sepia one. Just l igh tly brush the photograph with Coca Cola and dry quickly.

在这张由卡西尼号太空船拍摄的图片里,阳光巧妙的透过土星光环黑暗的一面,从乌贼墨色一般的黑暗中渗了出来。Sunlight filters through Saturn's rings in sepia tones in this artful view of the dark side of the rings taken from the Cassini spacecraft.

我在城市外的马场——马马科纳庄园的阳台享用了午餐,观看了秘鲁顶尖的驯马师如何训练乌黑的纯种马。I had lunch on the verandah of the Hacienda Mamacona horse ranch outside the city and watched Peru's top horsemen put sepia thoroughbreds through their paces.

打开效果面板,点击缩略图,转换彩色照片成黑白照,带有经典的棕黑色色调,添加上晕化边缘,等等。Open the Effects pane and click a thumbnail image to convert color photos to black and white, give them a classic sepia tone, add a vignette border, and more.

受19世纪一个用咖啡制成的艺术品展览的启发,Plata使用芳香饮料创作了引人入胜的乌贼墨宗教神灵画像。Inspired by an exhibit of 19th-century artworks done in coffee, Plata creates entrancing sepia images of fairies and religious figures from the aromatic beverage.

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任一种乌贼属的乌贼状的海洋软体头足动物,生有十个腕以及一个钙质内壳,并且在危险时能排出黑色墨水状液体。Any of various squidlike cephalopod marine mollusks of the genus Sepia that have ten arms and a calcareous internal shell and eject a dark, inky fluid when in danger.

“吉普赛舞”,画家皮埃尔·波纳尔1901年拍摄的一张模糊的棕黑色照片-只是由于其拍摄者才显得不同寻常-这张照片表现的是舞者手臂放松的弧线。“Gypsy Dancing, ” a dim sepia 1901 photograph by the painter Pierre Bonnard — remarkable just because of who took the picture — catches the easy arc of a dancer’s arm.

如果你的相机有微距镜头,好好利用吧,拍摄婴儿的眼睛,或者拍摄一些搞怪的黑白照片。If your camera or lens has a macro feature allowing you to get in close, then use it. Focus on baby's blue eyes or shoot in sepia or black and white to get a fun effect.